Financial data from 2015 to last year. | Atea
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Currency: MNOK











Gross sales* 27 903,1 31 186,9 32 436,8 34 708,3 36 654,8 39 502,7 41 315,6 46 663,6 51 938,5 53 861,7
Gross sales growth (%) 13,5% 11,8% 4,0% 7,0% 5,6% 7,8% 4,6% 12,9% 11,3% 3,7%
Revenue (IFRS)* 21 989,4 23 929,2 24 433,5 25 814,6 26 376,1 27 399,5 28 491,2 32 397,2 34 704,0 34 582,8
Gross profit 6 402,2 6 937,8 7 216,3 7 534,5 7 757,8 8 236,2 8 446,4 9 002,2 10 249,3 10 396,8
Gross profit margin (%) 29,1% 29,0% 29,5% 29,2% 29,4% 30,1% 29,6% 27,8% 29,5% 30,1%
Payroll and related costs 4 592,8 4 957,4 5 067,6 5 457,4 5 657,0 5 957,0 6 130,4 6 540,5 7 396,1 7 606,6
Other operating expenses 885,6 895,9 973,6 1 016,5 765,9 782,6 656,1 651,0 921,3 882,5
Depreciation and amortization 409,4 407,2 376,5 370,3 588,2 643,0 613,9 614,6 687,8 736,3
Operating profit (EBIT) 514,4 677,3 798,6 690,3 746,7 853,5 1 046,0 1 196,2 1 244,2 1 171,5
EBIT (%) 2,3% 2,8% 3,3% 2,7% 2,8% 3,1% 3,7% 3,7% 3,6% 3,4%
Net financial items -82,3 -59,9 -74,8 -56,2 -89,9 -104,5 -103,7 -112,3 -223,1 -169,5
Profit before tax 432,1 617,4 723,7 634,1 656,8 749,0 942,3 1 083,9 1 021,1 1 002,0
Tax expenses 39,3 105,1 180,6 167,3 127,3 159,0 182,3 235,5 220,6 226,7
Profit for the period 392,8 512,3 543,1 466,8 529,5 590,0 759,9 848,4 800,5 775,3
Earnings per share (NOK) 3,76 4,87 5,10 4,33 4,84 5,37 6,84 7,62 7,22 6,95
Diluted earnings per share (NOK) 3,71 4,80 5,00 4,26 4,78 5,32 6,67 7,55 7,14 6,87
Dividend per share (NOK) 6,50 6,50 6,50 6,50 6,50 5,00 5,00 5,50 6,25 7,00
Net financial position** -750 -350 102 -17 657 1 067 822 304 961 1 382
Cash flow from operations 1 287 1 404 1 238 946 1 897 1 388 1 096 1 030 1 878 2 028
Number of full-time employees at the year end 6 779 6 882 6 904 7 385 7 585 7 337 7 658 8 073 8 152 7 989

*Gross sales and IFRS revenue from 2015 – 2021 were restated in 2022 to comply with an Agenda Decision from the IFRS Interpretation Committee released in April 2022. The Agenda Decision has no impact on reported Gross and Net Profit, Balance Sheet, or the Cash Flow statement. For more information see Accounting Policy Change (2022).

**Net financial position consists of both current and non-current interest-bearing liabilities, less cash and cash equivalents. Net financial position does not include incremental net lease liabilities due to the adoption of IFRS 16 from 1 January 2019.