Social Media and Photo Guidelines - ASLO

Social Media and Photo Guidelines

Social Media Best Practices

We welcome social media use at the ASLO 2024 Aquatic Science Meeting. We do ask social media users to adhere to the following:

  • All social media related to the meeting will go through ASLO's main social media channels (see top-left of the page).
  • Include the meeting hashtag #ASLO24.
  • Employ commonly used hashtags that relate to the content to increase engagement.
  • Treat all participants, attendees, ASLO staff, and vendors with respect and consideration, valuing a diversity of views and opinions.
  • Be respectful and collaborative; communicate openly and with respect for others, critiquing ideas rather than individuals.
  • Avoid personal attacks directed toward other attendees, participants, ASLO staff, and suppliers/vendors.
  • Credit (identify) presenters by name.

Photography and Recording Guidelines

The meeting policy does not allow the recording of individual talks, poster images, or sessions. This includes the opening plenary session as well as the poster and oral presentations that will take place throughout the week. Additionally, audio taping, videotaping, or photographing presentations, including slides and posters, are not allowed at the meeting.

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