2024 ASLO Meeting - ASLO

ASLO 2024 Meeting

2–7 June 2024 · Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Adapting to a Changing World

Tenney Park Bridge The world is rapidly changing. The accelerating tempo of climate change, eutrophication, altered hydrological regimes, overharvest, and biodiversity loss are threatening aquatic ecosystems, water resources, and resultant human well-being. Effectively adapting to meet these challenges will require major transitions in both our thinking and how we manage aquatic ecosystems to build resilience. Sustainable solutions—those that work across sectors, nations, and generations—will emerge from a foundation of actionable aquatic science.

By proposing a special session, we hope you’ll help highlight relevant work on aquatic ecosystems in a changing world, and how aquatic organisms, ecosystems, and management are adapting to global environmental change.

Meeting Schedule

We look forward to having a dynamic meeting focused on aquatic ecosystems in a changing world, and how aquatic organisms, ecosystems, and management are adapting to global environmental change. The ASLO 2024 Meeting will be an in-person meeting, beginning on Sunday with the opening reception, then concluding on Friday – with the scientific program scheduled Monday through Friday.



For More Information

ASLO Meetings
1120 20th Street, NW
Suite 750
Washington, DC, 20036
Telephone: +1 800-929-ASLO
E-mail: [email protected]


2 June 2024
Field Guides for students, early career professionals, and equity & inclusion in science are now available.

28 May 2024
Sign up to volunteer for the ASLO Storytellers Series!

9 May 2024
New Workshops, Town Halls, and Educational Activities have been added to the schedule!

2 April 2024
Become a mentor or mentee at ASLO 2024!

1 April 2024
A new daily schedule at a glance has been posted.

27 February 2024
The abstract submission/early registration deadline has been extended to 4 March.

12 December 2023
Plenary speakers, the session list, and registration rates published.

17 October 2023
Session Proposals close. Thank you to all who submitted! Auxiliary Event applications remain open.

15 August 2023
Session Proposals and Auxiliary Event Applications Open.

Key Dates

January 2024
Call for Abstracts Posted
Registration Opens

4 March 2024
Abstract Submission Deadline
Early Registration Ends

April 2024
Presenters Notified of Acceptance
Program Schedule Posted

4 May 2024
Registration Cancellation Deadline

2–7 June 2024

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