ART-DECOR® is a collaboration tool that aims on seamless understanding of healthcare interoperability requirements and solutions for different stakeholders. Focused views allow to essentially see what a stakeholder needs to see with any options to sneak in any other areas.
For caregivers, the tools mainly registers data elements and their collections as data sets with concepts, data types, allowable value ranges, identifications, codes, examples and business rules etc. In addition, use case specific Scenario’s can be documented.
From the base requirements, the caregivers documented, terminologist can add the appropriate codes, associate caregiver concepts with coded concepts and create and maintain the value sets to be used. Typically also namespaces, identifiers, URIs and OIDs are assigned.
Modelers, analysts and interface / communication specialists add the technical representations as e.g. HL7 CDA templates, HL7 FHIR or IHE profiles. During that design phase and also in the following implementation and production phases the tool allows comprehensive validation and testing.
Project leads
During development and production phases stakeholders and team members of the governance group are supported by an artefact-aware issue and reporting management that enables effective change management of the artefacts.
Areas of excellence
ART-DECOR® as a tool covers different areas and provide a place where you can document your healthcare interoperability requirements and solutions. It is a place of your excellence, aiming on a solution for yourself and your team, but also to share your work and knowledge with others. This is why federated artefacts in so-called building block repositories are a central transparent feature and a paramount contribution to global interoperability. So whether you are a caregiver to share your models, a terminologist to share your value sets and codes or a technical expert offering technical solutions with profiles or templates and implementation guides putting it all together: all this is supported by one tool: ART-DECOR®
Healthcare Providers, Medical Experts and Researchers
Analysts, Modellers and Template / Profile Creators