Experience AppsFlyer for yourself
See how easy it is to measure ad performance, analyze creative elements, and identify trends. Take an interactive tour right inside AppsFlyer’s platform.
See how easy it is to measure ad performance, analyze creative elements, and identify trends. Take an interactive tour right inside AppsFlyer’s platform.
Get a comprehensive, unbiased view of creative performance across all media sources with insights into key metrics, including cost, installs, and clicks, as well as down-funnel metrics like retention and lifetime value.
Access granular creative insights and performance data to confidently identify the most performing elements for results you can count on.
Get unmatched depth of insight into performance so that you can proactively address creative fatigue, better allocate ad spend, and double down on the right creatives and formats for the appropriate channels to boost conversions.
Rest easy with a reliable, up-to-date system incorporating recent changes in the marketing ecosystem and streamlining the data integration process, ensuring a credible, trustworthy, accessible source of creative data for decision-makers.
Facilitate collaboration among creative, marketing, and agencies and enable effective teamwork and better decision-marketing, all within user-friendly galleries where you can review and analyze creative assets.
Automatically consolidate creative performance data, identifying identical creatives regardless of naming variations
Collect detailed attribution data at the creative level, spanning from top-of-funnel to down-funnel metrics.
Explore various combinations of creatives and end cards to identify the most valuable options across campaigns and channels.
Analyze data at the creative, scene, or element level to identify valuable features across campaigns and channels.
Set rules for automatically breaking creative names into tags or manually adding your own.
Ingest comprehensive creative-level reporting into your internal BI systems.