Changes to the RDAP infrastructure – APNIC

Changes to the RDAP infrastructure

Start Time Wednesday, 1 April 2020 08:00 (UTC+10)
End Time N/A
Duration N/A - No downtime expected
Services affected



We will be making some major changes or our RDAP infrastructure in preparation
for having our RDAP service hosted in multiple regions around the globe and
improve latency and reliability for our members and the internet community.

Another major change is having dedicated RDAP servers for the NIRs that mirror
their Whois data to APNIC (IDNIC, JPNIC, KRNIC and TWNIC). APNIC’s RDAP service
will respond to queries for resources from the relevant NIRs by relying on the
data from the NIR, where possible. This change will cause `` to
redirect queries to these NIRs’ RDAP servers (the redirected host will be `<nir>`).

We apologize for the loss of facilities and any inconvenience caused. Should you require assistance in dealing with any problems arising from this outage, please contact the APNIC Helpdesk.