Military Court Archives | Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain

Bahrain Military Court Death Sentences Ratified but Reduced to Life Imprisonment

26 April 2018 – Following yesterday’s decision by Bahrain’s Military Court of Cassation to reject the final appeal of three civilians and one soldier sentenced to death on 25 December 2017, the king has chosen to ratify the ruling but commute the death penalties to life imprisonment for the four appellants. Americans for Democracy &[…]

NGOs Condemn Confirmation of Civilian Sentences by Bahrain Military Court: Four at Risk of Imminent Execution

25 April 2018 – Bahrain’s highest military court, the Military Court of Cassation, today rejected the final appeal of seven defendants – one soldier and six civilians. The decision comes exactly four months after the men were convicted on terror charges in an unfair military trial marred by allegations of torture, enforced disappearance, and other[…]

Bahrain’s Highest Military Court to Render Verdict in Civilian Case on 25 April

Bahrain’s highest military court has again adjourned the appeal of seven men – one soldier and six civilians – convicted for the alleged “formation of a terrorist cell and committing several terrorist crimes” after an unfair trial marred by reports of torture, enforced disappearance and other due process violations. The Military Court of Cassation announced[…]

Bahrain’s Highest Military Court Postpones Final Appeal for Civilian Defendants

Six civilians and one soldier convicted by the Military High Court of the Bahrain Defence Force (BDF) in December 2017 – civilians Sayed Fadhel Abbas Hassan Radhi, Sayed Alawi Sayed Husain Alawi, Mohammed Abdulhassan al-Mutaghawi, Mohammed Abdulhussain Saleh al-Shehabi, Mohammed Abdulwahid Mohammed al-Najjar, Hussain Mohammed Ahmed Shehab, and the soldier, Mubarak Adel Mubarak Mahanna –[…]