Xuzhou Gaonaite Co., Ltd. was one of the three Testing Base (Center) of Jiangsu Institute of Electrical and Mechanical control system Co., Ltd..
Company relies on the technology of Jiangsu Institute of Electrical and Mechanical control system Co., Ltd., engages in the products of antiwear materials which can be the affiliated equipments of engineering, electric power, building materials, mining machinery for many years.
The main products are Hammer, hammer plate and counter plate for hammer-style, counter-style and vertical-type crusher, bushing for crusher and ball mill, Jaw plate for Jaw crusher, rolling acetabular wall and broken wall for Cone Crusher, cutting-tooth and side-tooth for mechanical digger and loader, backplane and scraper blade for stabilized soil, asphalt, cement concrete mixing station and so on.
Xuzhou Gaonaite Co., Ltd. was one of the three Testing Base (Center) of Jiangsu Institute of Electrical and Mechanical control system Co., Ltd..
Company relies on the technology of Jiangsu Institute of Electrical and Mechanical control system Co., Ltd., engages in the products of antiwear materials which can be the affiliated equipments of engineering, electric power, building materials, mining machinery for many years.
The main products are Hammer, hammer plate and counter plate for hammer-style, counter-style and vertical-type crusher, bushing for crusher and ball mill, Jaw plate for Jaw crusher, rolling acetabular wall and broken wall for Cone Crusher, cutting-tooth and side-tooth for mechanical digger and loader, backplane and scraper blade for stabilized soil, asphalt, cement concrete mixing station and so on.
- 法人名称:
- 徐州高耐特铸造有限公司
- 简称:
- 高耐特铸造
- 主要经营产品:
- 铸件 , 合金 , 机加工 , 热处理 , 破碎机配件 , casting , hammer , plate
- 经营范围:
- 精密铸造及机械加工,抗磨材料制造及销售。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
- 营业执照号码:
- 9132031276738939XX
- 发证机关:
- 徐州市铜山区市场监督管理局
- 法人类型:
- 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地区编码:
- 320312
- 组织机构代码:
- 76738939-X
- 核准日期:
- 2016-03-10
- 经营期限:
- 2024-11-18
- 经营状态:
- 在业
- 成立时间:
- 2004年12月07日
- 注册资本:
- 人民币200万 (万元)
- 所属行业:
- 石油设备 » 铜山县石油设备
- 所属城市黄页:
- 徐州企业网 » 铜山县 » 铜山县大彭镇
- 顺企编码:
- 14610809
- High manganese steel价格:面议 型号:Anti-rubs 材质:Highmanganesesteel 适用范围:Mine / 2010-01-01
- 优质铸件 多种 多种 各种价格:面议 型号:多种 材质:多种 适用范围:各种 / 2010-01-01
- plate mine价格:面议 型号:gnt-200902 材质:highmanganesesteel 适用范围:mine / 2010-01-01
- Rolls over the mortar wal价格:面议 型号:gnt200901 材质:highmanganesesteel 适用范围:mine / 2010-01-01
- 铸件 欢迎来电 欢迎来电价格:面议 品牌:欢迎来电 型号:欢迎来电 配件适用对象:多种 / 2010-01-01
- Rolls over the mortar wal价格:面议 类型:圆锥式破碎机 型号:11 生产能力:11(m3/h) / 2010-01-01
- 高耐特铸造节点 高耐特 建筑用价格:面议 品牌:高耐特 功能:建筑用 材质:金属 / 2010-01-01
- 公司地址:
- 铜山县大彭镇土楼村 -
- 固定电话:
- 15252109858 未核实,仅供参考
- 经理:
- 裴祉鉴
- 经理手机:
- 13805211989 未核实,仅供参考
- 电子邮件:
- 369
- 邮政编码:
- 221150
- 传真号码:
- 86 0516 85055339
- 顺企®采购:
- 请卖家联系我在线采购产品
手机号码 | 139****1114 |
手机号码 | 138****6989 |
手机号码 | 152****9858 |
股东名字 | 出资比例 | 出资额 |
裴洪涛 | 90% | 人民币180.0万元 |
王瑞民 | 10% | 人民币20.0万元 |
名字 | 职务 |
裴洪涛 | 执行董事兼总经理 |
王瑞民 | 监事 |
CN302653580S | 外观设计 | 2013-11-20 | 牛蒡茶烘干机固定板 | 裴洪涛 |
文书名称 | 日期 | 编号 |
吴继锋与徐州高耐特铸造有限公司买卖合同纠纷一审民事判决书 | 2014-12-29 | (2014)铜商初字第00030号 |
张某、潘某等犯非法拘禁罪一审刑事判决书 | 2015-11-06 | (2015)铜刑初字第762号 |
陈鹤与徐州高耐特铸造有限公司运输合同纠纷一审民事判决书 | 2015-11-06 | (2015)铜商初字第00606号 |
徐州市一达铸造技术有限公司与徐州高耐特铸造有限公司买卖合同纠纷执行裁定书 | 2016-12-05 | (2016)苏0312执2363号 |