G7広島サミットに向け、企業と団体から要望書を提出しました。 - work with Pride



G7広島サミットに向け、企業と団体から要望書を提出しました。/Proposal for G7 Hiroshima Summit Submitted by Companies and Organizations


2月17日(金)、公益社団法人Marriage For All Japan -結婚の自由をすべての人に、一般社団法人 LGBT法連合会、一般社団法人work with Prideの3つの呼びかけ団体と、各業界を代表する企業経営者などの呼びかけ人によって「G7広島サミット及びG7大臣会合においてLGBTQ+に関する取組みを議題にすること等の要望書」を発表しました。


その後、企業を代表する6名の呼びかけ人同席のもと、EY Japan、日本コカ・コーラ株式会社、パナソニック コネクト株式会社、パナソニック ホールディングス株式会社、ライフネット生命保険株式会社、アクサ生命保険株式会社を含めた13社が賛同する、内閣総理大臣 岸田文雄氏、男女共同参画等担当大臣 小倉將信氏宛ての「G7広島サミット及びG7大臣会合においてLGBTQ+に関する取組みを議題にすること等の要望書」を、記者会見にて発表しました。
Public Interest Incorporated Association Marriage For All Japan (MFAJ), General Incorporated Associations Japan Alliance for Legislation to Remove Social Barriers based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Work with Pride, and individuals representing leading companies presented the petition “Request for the G7 Hiroshima Summit to Include LGBTQ Initiatives on the Agenda” on Friday, February 17th, 2023.

Deputy Minister Wada accepted the proposal on behalf of Cabinet Minister Ogura at the Cabinet Office, and met with representatives of companies and organizations for a frank and informative exchange of opinions for about 30 minutes. Furthermore, he was handed messages from the plaintiffs from the five major cities of the “Freedom of Marriage For All” lawsuits.

The proposal “Request for the G7 Hiroshima Summit to Include LGBTQ Initiatives on the Agenda”, addressed to Prime Minister Fumo Kishida and Minister of State for Gender Equality Masanobu Ogura, and endorsed by 13 companies including EY Japan, Coca-Cola (Japan) Company Ltd., Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd., LIFENET INSURANCE COMPANY, AXA Life Insurance Co., Ltd, was announced at a press conference in the presence of six of the company representatives and proponents.

(1)男女共同参画等担当大臣 小倉將信氏宛て

(2)内閣総理大臣 岸田文雄氏、男女共同参画等担当大臣 小倉將信氏宛て


(1) The proposal submitted was addressed to:
– Minister of State for Gender Equality Masanobu Ogura

(2) The proposal that will be submitted later is addressed to:
– Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Minister of State for Gender Equality Masanobu Ogura

We kindly ask that the companies and organizations in favor of our petition for the proposal (2) “Request for the G7 Hiroshima Summit to include LGBTQ Initiatives on the Agenda” express their support by filling in the form below.
Companies willing to support the petition are kindly requested to submit the form by Friday, March 17th, 2023.