Discussion Settings – WordPress.com Support
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Discussion Settings

In your website’s Discussion Settings, you can control how people interact with your site through comments. This guide will explain each setting.

Access Your Discussion Settings

To change settings for commenting, comment moderation, markdown and avatars, follow these steps to access the Discussion settings:

  1. Visit your site’s dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Settings → Discussion.
The "Settings" menu expanded with "Discussion" highlighted.
Discussion Settings

Default Post Settings

In the Default post settings, you can set the following options for new posts or pages. These settings can be changed individually for each post.

Other Comment Settings

The Other comment settings section have quite a few options, so let’s explain them one at a time:

Comment Pagination

If your posts/pages get a lot of comments, you may want to split the comments into pages. You can choose how many top-level comments (nested comments are not counted and will not be split between pages) to show for each page. You can also choose to show the first or last page by default when a visitor first views the comments.

Moderating Comments

Receive notifications for new activity on your site, and reduce spam comments through email notifications and comment moderation.

E-mail Me Whenever

The E-mail me whenever options control when you get notified about new comments. You can choose to receive email notifications whenever:

Before A Comment Appears

You can choose what happens to a comment before it appears publicly on your site. You can enable or disable the following options:

Comment Moderation

You can approve or reject comments before they appear on your site using the following comment moderation tools:

Disallowed Comment Keys

This is very similar to Comment Moderation described above, but when something matches here, the comment is deleted and sent to Trash instead of held for moderation.

Additional Comment Settings


After changing any of these settings, click the “Save changes” button at the bottom of the screen.

This section of the guide applies to sites with the WordPress.com Business and Commerce plan, and the legacy Pro plan. If you have a Business plan, make sure to activate it. For sites on the Free, Personal, and Premium plans, upgrade your plan to access this feature.

Jetpack Subscriptions Settings: Change whether your visitors can subscribe to your posts or comments or both with a “follow blog” option in the comments form and a popup subscribe modal.

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