Student Application Template
Name Pavol Rohár
Contact/Email: irc: Pali
Background: I'm student at Charles University in Prague and I'm studing Computer Science. I'm interested in networking, communication, IM, etc... I have already started working on something similar/same as this project for my bachelor thesis.
Project title ?ListArchive (from
Project details: Create program which can parse, archive and format email MIME messages for web browser as replacement for mhonarc. I can reuse or continue working on my bachelor project.
Synopsis: mhonarc replacement for
Benefits to Debian To have archiving software for mailinglists with better MIME support and email threads (or trees). Better then Pipermail or Mhonarc which Debian using.
Deliverables: (from
- An mbox based parser that writes out, nice formatted, HTML websites.
- Ability to remove/hide mails classified as spam
- Strip/remove HTML content
- Thread/Tree based view
- Search support
Project schedule:
Exams and other commitments: I have final bachelor exams in June 16-27.
Other summer plans: No
Why Debian?: I'm using Debian (and Debian derived) distributions on more computers and I like it.
Are you applying for other projects in SoC?: No