Javascript/Tutorial - Debian Wiki

Little tutorial for JS-Team beginners.

The tools

To package node/javascript modules, you need at least:

Run the following command inside the chroot to install the required packages:

$ sudo apt install devscripts pkg-js-tools git-buildpackage npm2deb lintian duck

Little howtos

Little schroot/sbuild howto

1. To build a minimal Debian unstable environment, you can use this:

$ sudo sbuild-createchroot unstable /srv/chroot/unstable-amd64-sbuild
# or to use ccache and eatmydata:
$ sudo sbuild-createchroot --include=eatmydata,ccache unstable /srv/chroot/unstable-amd64-sbuild

2. To update it:

$ sudo sbuild-update unstable-amd64-sbuild -u -g -a -r

3. List built schroot

$ sudo schroot --list

Schroot improvements

1. Save bandwith using apt-cacher-ng

2. Use tmpfs to increase build speed

Little salsa howto

You need to generate a Personal Access Token in Salsa settings. Select all checkboxes in section Select scopes. Copy the tokens value into ~/.devscripts:


Verify that it works:

$ salsa whoami
Id      : 1234
Username: myaccount-guest
Name    : My Name
Email   :
State   : active

You must also be member of js-team group. Verify this:

$ salsa list_groups
Id       : 2099
Name     : Debian JavaScript Maintainers
Full path: js-team

You must also set your public OpenPGP key in your Salsa account.

Packaging walkthrough

Working with existing packages

1. Clone locally the package:

$ salsa --group js-team co node-temporary
$ cd node-temporary

Of course you need to configure salsa(1) with a valid GitLab token.

2. Verify debian/gbp.conf to not import upstream .gitignore. It may contain:

   1 [import-orig]
   2 filter = [ '.gitignore', '.git/*', '.git', '.travis.yml' ]
   4 [import-dsc]
   5 filter = [ '.gitignore', '.git/*', '.git', '.travis.yml' ]

3. Verify that debian/watch is compliant with npmjs registry:

$ debcheck-node-repo && echo OK

If result is bad, investigate manually. If upstream forgot to insert tags in its repository, please open an issue: it is better to use source repository than npm registry (which may contain some generated files)

4. Update the package:

$ uscan
$ gbp import-orig --pristine-tar ../node-temporary_9.9.9.orig.tar.xz

5. Fix debian/* files, then push the result:

$ git push origin master upstream pristine-tar
$ git push --tags

Always visit Debian Tracker and check work to do for this package.

Switch test and install to pkg-js-tools

pkg-js-tools provides hooks for auto-configuration, auto-test and auto-install and also autopkgtest.

To enable it:

Write good tests

Using pkg-js-tools, you just have to examine package.json (scripts -> test) to find upstream test and write it in debian/tests/pkg-js/test. Example:

$ cat debian/tests/pkg-js/test
mocha -R spec --timeout 10000 test/

See pkg-js-tools full example for more.

If upstream test is launched using mocha, don't hesitate to increase timeout (default is 2000 which is often too short for Debian-CI machines).

If debian/tests/pkg-js/test does not exist, pkg-js-tools will automatically add a minimal test (node require(".")).

Don't forget to remove debian/tests/control and debian/tests/require if exists.

Notes on `jest`

jest is a powerful test framework. When using it in Debian packaging test, be careful to


Notes on `ava`

ava is not available in Debian, but there are some workarounds:

Ava to tape

##   ORIGINAL TEST     ###        TAPE TEST            ##
import test from 'ava'  #  const test = require('tape')
import foo from '.'     #  const foo = require('.')
test('bar', t => {      #  test('bar', t=> { foo(0), 0)      # foo(0), 0)
}                       #    t.end()
                        #  }

Just to transform in commonjs and add a t.end() at each test; and adapt some function names. For example, t.notThrows becomes t.doesNotThrow. See /usr/share/doc/node-tape/readme.markdown.gz to find them.

Ava to jest

$ npx jest-codemods
? Which parser do you want to use? Babel
? Which test library would you like to migrate from? AVA
? Are you using the global object for assertions? No
? Will you be using Jest on Node.js as your test runner? Yes
? On which files or directory should the codemods be applied? test.js
Executing command: jscodeshift -t [...] test.js --ignore-pattern node_modules --parser babel
Processing 1 files...
Spawning 1 workers...
Sending 1 files to free worker...
All done.
0 errors
0 unmodified
0 skipped
1 ok

$ jest --ci --testRegex test.js

It may need a babel file. If so, add a babel.config.json:

  "presets": [ "@babel/preset-env" ],
  "plugins": [ "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime" ]

Anyway, jest has not exactly the same features than ava. Especially some throwsAsync / notThrowsAsync test should be removed or modified.

Fully test your package

Dependencies test

Launch test in a minimal and up-to-date unstable environment to verify that all needed packages are declared in debian/control:

sbuild -j5 --no-apt-update -d unstable --no-clean-source --run-lintian --lintian-opts='--color always --display-info --display-experimental --pedantic'

or using gbp:

$ gbp buildpackage --git-ignore-branch --git-builder="sbuild -j5 --no-apt-update -d unstable --no-clean-source --run-lintian --lintian-opts='--color always --display-info --display-experimental --pedantic'" --git-export=WC

This also launches lintian. Check the result and fix all errors/warnings (or override them only if this is a false positive) and take care of other lintian checks.

Result test

pkg-js-tools helps to write good autopkgtest. If you write them yourself, remember that you must test installed files, not source ones. Launch autopkgtest (example with schroot - where ../foo.changes is the package being tested):

$ autopkgtest -B ../foo.changes -- schroot unstable-amd64-sbuild


In the event when an error like this is  (autopkgtest-schroot requires ephemeral schroot sessions. Set a "union-type" or use a tarball schroot) is thrown after running this command. Edit with your favorite text-editor  /etc/schroot/chroot.d/unstable-amd64-sbuild-<randomly-generated>  file by adding this options to fix it:


and check result. By default, pkg-js-autopkgtest copies only test* files. If some other are needed, creates debian/tests/pkg-js/files and list all needed test files. Example:

$ cat debian/tests/pkg-js/files

If the test depends on a new package, where ../packages/bar.deb is the test dependency, pass the local .deb dependency as follows:

$ autopkgtest -B  '../packages/bar.deb' '../foo.deb' -- schroot unstable-amd64-sbuild

You can also run autopkgtest with sbuild by adding the following lines to ~/.sbuildrc :

   1 $run_autopkgtest = 1;
   2 $autopkgtest_root_args = '';
   3 $autopkgtest_opts = [ '--', 'schroot', '%r-%a-sbuild' ];

URLs test

Simply launch duck in the Debian source directory and check the result.

Clean test

Launch 2 times dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc. If build files are not cleaned, the second will fail. If so, set them in a debian/clean. Example:

$ cat debian/clean

Starting a new package

First you may check if needed dependencies exists. Example to build ldapjs:

$ pkgjs-depends ldapjs
# ldapjs@2.3.1
  node-asn1 (asn1)
  node-assert-plus (assert-plus)
  node-once (once)
  node-vasync (vasync)
  node-verror (verror)

 └── abstract-logging (2.0.1)
 └── backoff (2.5.0)
     └── precond (0.2.3)
 └── ldap-filter (0.3.3)

Here, we can see that 4 modules are missing in Debian to package it: abstract-logging, backoff, ldap-filter and precond. A quick analysis shows that at least ldap-filter could be embedded.

This package can be built in Debian. Let's do it:

$ npm2deb create ldapjs

When all is OK and package builds well and lintian is clean, create a git repo:

$ cd node-vasync-2.2.0
$ git init
$ gbp import-dsc ../path/to/node-vasync_2.2.0-1.dsc

Then, you can push it using salsa(1) in the root of Debian source tree.

If your level access in js-team is only "developer", ask to a maintainer to create repo first, then no need to add --tagpending or --desc (added by maintainer using salsa create_repo --tagpending --desc node-<npm-name>).

$ salsa --group js-team --tagpending --desc push_repo .

If you want to push in your personal area, simply launch:

$ salsa --desc push_repo .

Debugging tips

Here're some useful things that will help you debug various things.

Helpful things to know