Translation(s): English
Clojure Packaging Reference
Package naming policy
When naming Clojure software packages, the namespace is dropped from the package name, any non-alphabetic characters are replaced with dashes, and the package name ends in -clojure. Binary packages are differentiated from the source packages with the lib prefix (for library code). For example,
[net.cgrand/parsley "0.9.3"] has source package parsley-clojure and library binary package libparsley-clojure
[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.12"] has source package tools-nrepl-clojure and library binary package libtools-nrepl-clojure
[leiningen "2.8.1"] has source package leiningen-clojure and application binary package leiningen
If the package has a namespace conflict, you may include it in the package name. For example,
[com.hypirion/io "0.3.1"] has source package com-hypirion-io-clojure and binary package libcom-hypirion-io-clojure because the name libio-clojure is too easily confused with commons-io, the namespace, and other similar packages
Multiple packages can be built from the same source package: for instance, if you have a source package that produces an application and library package. In this case, the name of the application follows standard Debian policy.