DebConf17/OpenDay - Wiki


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Open Day will be August 5th at the venue, Collège de Maisonneuve.

During Open Day, talks and workshops of interest for the general public will be offered.

The day's schedule is available at

See DebConf17/OpenDay/Planning for ideas and general planning.

[edit] Open Day InstallFest Volunteer Signup

We need volunteers familiar with the Debian Installer as resources to help Open Day attendees install Debian on their devices. If you think you can help, please add your information to the table below.

Name Nick email Phone Favourite Muppet Skills, resources, etc. you can provide
znoteer znoteer znoteer at mailbox . org Gonzo I've installed Debian innumerable times on i386/amd64 hardware and a couple of times on arm. I could be a bottom tier helper/greeter/gopher.
Bob333 Bob cjb333 - I have installed debian 10 or 20 times. Hope I can help out at the installfest.
Emmanuel Kasper manu (marcello^) on irc manu at debian dot you know the rest I have some knowledge about the Debian Installer. I can help the installfest from 14:00 to 16:15, not sure afterwards.
Raju rajudev rajudev at disroot dot org +919096331084 I have done installations of Debian umpteen times and have also conducted Debian installfests at Mini Debian Conferences in India. I know how to recover from failed installations, grub errors, post installation issues like drivers for Wi-Fi and graphics etc. I can help in the installation fest for sure.
Sean Whitton spwhitton spwhitton@d.o n/a Kermit DD
Miguel Ross alpha2017 +1581-702-0601 I already install debian several times and I'm blind and I want to help any to install debian on his laptop. J'ai déjà installé debian plusieurs fois Je suis aveugle et je suis capable d'aidé les gens à installé debian sur leurs ordinateurs portables.


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