A non-exhaustive list of readings, podcast episodes, videos, profiles to follow, and other resources in support of the Palestinian struggle.
Gaza In Context Teach-In: First Session, Gaza 101
Black Feminist Writers and Palestine
About Palestine, a series of videos in Brazilian Portuguese by Tese Onze (partially translated into Spanish and English)
Palestina em Transe, a series of podcast episodes in Portuguese produced by Grupo de Estudos sobre Conflitos Internacionais (GECI) PUC-SP
Why Hamas Attacked Israel – And What’s Next For Gaza, by Dena Takruri on AJPlus
Let’s Talk About How the Media Covers Gaza: A conversation with Gaza-based journalist Maram Humaid about the media’s love of misery, disdain for nuance, and distrust of local sources
To Say and Think a Life beyond What Settler Colonialism Has Made, by Samera Esmeir
Origins of the Israeli-Palestine Conflict, by Empire/Goalhanger Podcasts
Bad Memory, by Jewish Currents staff
Organizations and collectives to follow
7amleh – The Arab Center for Social Media Advancement
Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
BDS (Boycott, Disinvestment, and Sanctions) Movement
Al-Haq – Defending Human Rights
Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU)
alQaws for Sexual & Gender Diversity in Palestinian Society
مركز وطن للمرأة والطفل Healing Our Homeland
Care and resources
Psychology Spa – سايكولوجي سبا, which focuses on support for children
Mutual aid
Palestine Red Crescent, part of International Red Cross and Red Crescent
Palestine Children’s Relief (USA)
Gift of the Givers (South Africa)
World Food Programme Palestine Emergency Appeal
Join the call
Join the call from Palestinian Trade Unions to halt the arms trade with Israel and end complicity
International Civil Society statement: Restore Telecoms and Internet Connectivity in Gaza Now!
Radical communications and coverage from/in Palestine
Electronic Intifada (@intifada)
Journalists covering Palestine
Journalists on the ground in Gaza
Bisan (Filmmaker)
E-books, publications, and reading lists
Solidarity with Palestine – A Radical Black Feminist Mandate: a reading list, by Black Women Radicals
Books on Palestine by publishers who have stood by Palestine, by @sofia_reading
Free Palestine reading list, by Pluto Press
Free books for a Free Palestine, by Haymarket Press
Gaza Writes Back: Short Stories from Young Writers in Gaza, Palestine, edited by Refaat Alareer
Ten Myths About Israel by Ilan Pappé available for free in English, and em português
Statement by the Union of Teachers and Employees of Birzeit University, Ramallah
History books on Palestine by Samar Saeed
Books by Palestinian scholars and books about Palestinian history and politics by Umayyah Cable
AUC Press recommended Literature on Palestine
Critique of Big Tech
Normalizing the Surveillance State—Cybersecurity Cooperation and the Abraham Accords, by Alyssa Bivins
Tech Companies Must Respect Palestinian Digital Rights, by 7amleh
Silicon Valley’s War against Palestine, by Asa Winstanley
Israel’s Tools of Occupation Are Tested on Palestine and Exported Globally, by Kelly Hayes
What a cat in a keffiyeh reveals about AI’s anti-Palestinian bias, by Ameera Kawash
Epistemic Justice as a Condition of Political Freedom?, by Miranda Fricker
Meta Censors #Gaza Content, by Anna Rajagopal
Instagram Users Accuse Platform of Censoring Posts Supporting Palestine, by Kari Paul
Meta has a moderation bias problem, not just a ‘bug,’ that’s suppressing Palestinian voice, by Morgan Sung
How Social Media Abdicated Responsibility for the News, by Kyle Chayka
Instagram apologises for adding ‘terrorist’ to some Palestinian user profiles by Josh Taylor
Archive projects
Al-Nakba: 1948 Palestinian Exodus: Oral History
Palestinian Oral History Archive (more than 1,000 hours of testimonies with first-generation Palestinians and other Palestinian communities in Lebanon)
The looting of Palestinian archives and the colonial project to control memory
Majd Al-Shihabi and the mission to produce more knowledge and archives in Arabic, by Whose Knowledge?
How Israel Erases Palestinian Cultural Memory, by Rona Sela
Column: Seven Decades Later, the History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Is Still Being Kept Secret, by Nicholas Goldberg
History Suppressed: Censorship in Israel’s Archives, by Al Jazeera
Looted & Hidden’: Israel’s Futile Attempts to Erase Palestinian History, by Khelil Bouarrouj
Israel Deliberately Forgets Its History, by Schlomo Sand
Israel Continues to Criminalise Marking Nakba Day, by Patrick Strickland
Culture, art, poetry
Germany must face its issues over Israel and the past. Silencing a Palestinian author won’t help, by Hanno Hauenstein
20 Arab films spotlighting Palestinian stories and struggles, by Fadila Khalid
Embroidery & The Intifada: Palestinian Dress as Resistance, by Farida El Shafie
Unprovoked Narratives, by the Palestine Film Institute
‘We teach life, sir’, by Rafeef Ziadah
Heba Zagout, an artist from Gaza killed by Israeli airstrikes
Kohl Journal, a Lebanese-based queer, radical, open-source publication from the South, with an emphasis on West Asia and North Africa
Aswat, a feminist queer movement for sexual and gender freedoms in Palestine
Volunteer-led storytelling + infographics
Would you like to suggest more resources? You can send us via email to info[at]whoseknowledge[dot]org.
Reading Lists Allyship, Decolonization, Marginalized Communities Marginalized Communities