Our Story - United Spinal Association
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20231002103152/https://unitedspinal.org/our-story/

About Us

United Spinal Association represents our nation’s 5.5 million wheelchair users. We proudly trace our roots to the paralyzed World War II vets who came home to an inaccessible nation and made it their new mission to create a fully inclusive society. We honor them by using today’s tools to directly provide top-notch service and resources to our members, chapters, and the broader disability community.

Our Vision:

A world where people with SCI/D and all wheelchair users can realize their full potential and live life at its fullest.

Our Mission:

Empower and advocate for people with SCI/D and all wheelchair users to achieve their highest quality of life.

Our Values:

Compassion, Inclusion, Passion, Integrity, Innovation, Accountability

four wheelchair users on a pier giving the person next to them a fist bump

woman in wheelchair participating in a marathon being pushed from behind

We realize our vision, fulfill our mission, and express our values through four pillars:

Community Member Empowerment
Facilitating healthy and fulfilling lives for our members and all people with disabilities.

opens in a new windowAccessibility 
Making tomorrow’s world accessible for individuals with SCI/D and all wheelchair users.

Public Narrative
Disrupting the stigma around disability to trigger full inclusion and participation in public life of our members.

Public Policy and Advocacy
Advocating for public policies that ensure equal rights and opportunities for people with disabilities.

United Spinal Association Then and Now

Our Impact

We support people with SCI/D and all wheelchair users by:

  • Advocating for enforcement and enhancement of disability rights, including access to healthcare, mobility equipment, public transportation, rehabilitation, community services and support, and the built environment.
  • Empowering our members, their loved ones, care providers and professionals with valuable resources, including information on employment, affordable housing, transportation, health care, home- and community-based independent living, education, peer support, technology, and leisure and recreation.
  • Ensuring people with SCI/D and all wheelchair users can maintain the highest levels of independence, health, and personal fulfillment.
  • Promoting civic participation and self-advocacy.


opens in a new windowAnnual Reportopens PDF file
opens in a new windowIRS 990opens PDF file

Thank you!

With the help of dedicated supporters like you, United Spinal can continue to help people overcome the challenges of paralysis and disability and guide them down a rewarding path of transformation and discovery.