Action Center
United Spinal Association encourages everyone to get involved and be an advocate and activist. We can facilitate change but only if we actively pursue it.
The District Mobilization Initiative is focused on two primary goals: recruiting committed advocates all across the country who will commit to sending United Spinal’s action alerts to their members of Congress, and having those advocates serve as ambassadors for the SCI/D community with their lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
We focus resources and expertise on advancing opportunities, social equity, and disability rights for all people living with a spinal cord injury or disease.
Action Alerts
Support Safe Air Travel for Wheelchair Users
This is our moment to push for legislation that will create new protections for airline passengers with disabilities, and make meaningful policy changes to bring greater accountability and improve the air travel experience for wheelchair users. United Spinal Association supports the Air Carrier Access Amendments Act (H.R. 1267/S. 545), which has been introduced by Representative Dina Titus and Senator Tammy Baldwin.
End Segregated, Subminimum Wage Employment for People with Disabilities
Under current law, employers who obtain what are known as 14(c) certificates are allowed to operate segregated workshops and pay disabled workers subminimum wages far below the minimum wage. The Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act (H.R. 1263/S. 533) would phase out the 14(c) certificate program over a period of 5 years and ensure that all people with disabilities who want to work will have the opportunity to do so in an integrated workplace, including community supports and services, while ensuring that they won’t be paid less than non-disabled workers simply because they have a disability.
Protect the Disability Community Against Infections
Resistance to antibiotic and antimicrobial prescription drugs is a leading public health crisis in the United States. Globally, antimicrobial resistance has attributed to 1.3 million deaths in 2019 and unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has only increased the problem of drug resistance at a time when increased protections for individuals with disabilities, individuals who are immunocompromised and managing chronic illnesses, co-morbidities and secondary conditions are needed more than ever.
Increase Funding for SCI Model Systems
For 50 years, the SCIMS program has facilitated the development of innovative medical, rehabilitation, and vocational services for individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI). United Spinal is asking Congress to provide a funding increase to the SCI Model Systems program in fiscal year 2024.
Support Full Access to our Community
United Spinal supports directing the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to lift the ‘in the home’ restriction in order to allow access to mobility devices that meet wheelchair users’ needs both in the home AND/OR the community; and we support making sure that CMS holds to its commitment of opening the National Coverage Decision for wheelchair seat elevation and standing device coverage no later than August.