How to Get Your Old Equipment Running Like New
We turned to three longtime wheelchair users to get tips and tricks to help you take charge of your chair.
Sitting Pretty: An Excerpt
This new memoir is a poignant, beautifully-written reflection on growing up disabled.
The Athlete’s Quandary: How Paralympians are Dealing with the Pandemic
Here are some of their stories.
Government Work Incentive Programs are Harder Than Rocket Science
There is a laundry list of complicated rules and regulations that must be followed or you will get kicked out of the government programs you depend upon.
Navigating During COVID-19
Many businesses and other establishments are not aware of how to adapt for COVID in a way that is accessible and ADA compliant.
Podcaster Rhonel Cinous
Four years after sustaining a C5 injury, Rhonel Cinous is using his podcast to rediscover who he is through conversations with others from the SCI community.
‘Wheels on Campus’ Profiles Top 20 Wheelchair-Friendly Colleges
New Mobility has released the most comprehensive college guide for wheelchair users ever created.
Staring Down Disasters
United Spinal is implementing an emergency preparedness campaign to help people with SCI/D address the effects and risks associated with disasters.
Disabled Voting Bloc Now Has “Potential to Swing Elections”
Disabled Americans now represent one of the largest voter groups in the country.
A Year of Reckoning and Reflection
Take time to reflect on the things we can be thankful for, including our support systems and changemakers who push forward.
What to Watch: Cooking in a Wheelchair
New YouTube show, "Cooking in a Wheelchair," features "low-effort" meals.
When Dysreflexia Calls
Here comes autonomic dysreflexia. You know that feeling … for me it’s a little bit of metal in the mouth, a little bit of tingling on the back of your head … its AD on its way.
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Our New Robot Overlords
Even the cripples who play it safe and become social workers and go to work for DVR and push the next generation of cripples to become social workers and go to work for DVR will probably be laid off and replaced by robots.
Wheelchair Confidential: Love Hurts
I woke up one morning with a red, swollen knee that alarmed me enough to go to my doctor. During the exam, he got stressed and asked, “Are you having chest pains or trouble breathing?”
Meet in the Middle: COVID Travel Compromise
Here are four tips for hitting the road in the middle of a pandemic.
Safeish Travels During COVID
Here is what I did to prepare, how things actually went and what I learned from being forced to travel during the pandemic.
We’ve Been Here Before
Normally, I’d have spent the last few months tracking spinal cord injury research. Call it all to a halt.
News October 2020
Disability Goes Partisan. One Million Dollars! Cooking in a Wheelchair. Disability Friendly Colleges. The Cyborgs Are All in Your Head. Keep Staring.