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Student Services Manual (SSM)

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Effective: 8/1/1983

Revised: 8/15/2008

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SSM 203–05: Duplication of Credit by an Undergraduate Student

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To deny an undergraduate student duplicate credit for duplicate course work

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Faculty Senate minutes of February 22, 1983, Item VI. A
Faculty Senate minutes of April 21, 2008, Senate Resolution #31
University Registrar Services

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A student may not repeat for credit a course in which he or she earned a grade of “C” or better.

However, effective fall 2008, a student earning a grade higher than a “D” in an undergraduate critical course(s) but less than the minimum grade required for that course(s) will be permitted to request to earn and have reflected in his or her academic record improved grade(s) for that course(s). The opportunity to repeat a critical tracking course, if an appeal is approved, is subject to course availability at the time the student attempts to register for the repeated course.

The impact on a student’s cumulative GPA of any course repeated under this policy will be determined by the applicable policy; see SSM 203–06: “Deletion of a “D” or “E” Grade Received by an Undergraduate Student in an Undergraduate Course” for additional information.

The student is responsible for preventing duplication from occurring or for gaining appropriate approval to repeat a critical tracking course.

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  1. Do not register for a course that duplicates the work of a previous course taken for credit
  2. OR

  3. Request permission from the department/college to repeat a critical course in which a grade higher than a “D” was received but does not meet the minimum grade required for that critical course
  1. Monitor the student’s records to verify that duplication of credit has not occurred
  2. OR

  3. Notify the University Registrar Services of approval to repeat the course.
University Registrar Services
  1. If student receives approval to repeat course, make adjustments in the system to allow repeat.
  1. If approved, register for course. If not approved, do not register for a course that duplicates the work of a previous course taken for credit.
University Registrar Services
  1. Verify that the student’s records show a duplication of credit.
  2. Correct the student’s record to delete credit for the most recent of the duplicate course.
  3. OR

  4. Adjust student’s record as determined by the applicable policy in SSM 203–06: “Deletion of a “D” or “E” Grade Received by an Undergraduate Student in an Undergraduate Course.”


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For related information, see:

  1. SSM 201–13, “Petition to Take a Course for the Third Time”


  2. SSM 203–06: “Deletion of a “D” or “E” Grade Received by an Undergraduate Student in an Undergraduate Course.”

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