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Purchasing and Business Services Manual (PUR)

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Revised: 3/1/2019 

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PUR 503–02: Subcontract Awards for Federal Purchase Orders or Contracts in Excess of $700,000

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To ensure university compliance with federal requirements for subcontracts related to federal awards

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Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.219.8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns; 52.219-9, Small Business Subcontracting Plan

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  1. ASU will include Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.219.8 and 52.219.9 requirements in all ASU outgoing contracts (Federal “Pass Through” subcontracts) developed by negotiation that equals or exceeds $700,000 and offer further subcontracting opportunities.

  2. A Small Business Subcontracting Plan, describing the intent to procure services and goods from small and disadvantage businesses:
    1. Will be executed by ASU (as a Contractor) departments, with assistance from the Diversity and Small Business Program manager in Purchasing and Business Services;
    2. Is required of subcontractors and must be submitted to ASU for review. Approved Small Business Subcontracting Plans are incorporated into the resulting Purchase Order or Subcontract;
    3. Subcontracting plans are not required from small business concerns, for personal services contracts, for commercial items, or for contracts to be performed entirely outside of the United States and its outlying areas.


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For more information on contract awards in research and sponsored projects, see Research and Sponsored Projects Policies and Procedures Manual (RSP):

  1. RSP 503, “Purchasing”


  2. RSP 509, “Closing Project Account(s).”

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