Arizona State University
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Parking and Transit Services Manual (PTS)

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Effective: 2/10/1956

Revised: 3/1/2010

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PTS 201: Visitor Parking

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To advise visitors and sponsors about available visitor parking on campus

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ASU Parking Rules and Regulations
Parking and Transit Services

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A visitor to the ASU campus may park in designated visitor parking or day-pass lots and in metered parking areas. Depending upon space availability, departments may make advance arrangements for sponsored, i.e., invited, visitors.

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General Public

Park in a metered parking area, or park in a designated visitor parking lot and pay the required fee. Visitor permits may also be purchased online for designated campus parking lots at ASU Parking and Transit Services or at any campus Parking Office.D

Sponsored Visitors

sponsoring visitor
  1. Request reserved visitor parking at least 48 hours in advance by submitting a Visitor Reservations form through the PTS Web page.
  2. Determine who will pay for parking (sponsor or visitor).
  3. Inform the visitor about the location of the visitor parking lot and fee payment. Maps are available on the PTS Web site.
If the sponsor will be paying:
  1. Purchase parking validation stamps at your campus Parking Office.
    Note: Validation stamps are available in books of 100 or sheets of 10 by purchase order (PO) or cash payment.
Parking and Transit Services administration
  1. Issue the purchased parking validation stamps to the sponsor.
  2. Designate the visitor lot to be used and inform the lot attendant supervisor of daily reservations.
  3. Ensure that the required number of visitor parking spaces is reserved daily.
Sponsored visitor
  1. Pay the parking fee by attaching a validation stamp to the parking stub before exiting.


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For information on parking for conferences and meetings, see PTS 202, “Conference Parking.”

For information on parking for special events, see PTS 203, “Events Parking.”

For information on parking citations and appeals, see:

  1. the policies in PTS 300, “Parking Enforcement”


  2. the policies in PTS 400, “Parking Appeals.”

For information on motorist assistance services, see PTS 701, “Motorist Assistance Program (MAP).”

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