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Academic Affairs Manual (ACD)

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Effective: 8/15/1990

Revised: 7/1/2011

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ACD 111–01: Faculty Voting Rights

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To define voting rights in hiring decisions of faculty and academic professionals

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Office of the President
Office of the Provost of the University
University Senate

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Academic professionals with continuing status

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Faculty and Chair Search Committees

The administrator responsible for the hiring decision will be responsible for constituting a search committee. At least half of the members of the search committee shall be elected by the members of the academic unit; remaining members of the search committee may be appointed by the hiring officer. Alternatively, the search committee may be constituted by other democratic processes defined by the unit’s or the college’s bylaws. One or more members of a search committee should take the available diversity training and all members are expected to assure equal opportunity through affirmative action in the search process.

Dean and Provost of the University Search Committees

Every administrative appointment to the position of dean or provost of the university shall be made in consultation with faculty leadership, and the process shall seek to encourage faculty input on these appointments. If an immediate or interim appointment must be made, the chair of the University Academic Council (UAC) will be informed of the reasons for making such an appointment and consulted about the individual to be appointed prior to the appointment being made. Every search committee formed to evaluate applicants for such administrative appointments shall include a university senator appointed on the recommendation of the president of the University Senate. In the cases of searches for deans, the appointee must be from outside the unit conducting the search.

University Librarian Search Committees

Every search committee formed to evaluate applicants for an administrative appointment to the position of university librarian shall include an academic senator appointed on the recommendation of the chair of the University Academic Council.

Faculty Recommendations

In searches for unit chairs/directors, all tenured/tenure-eligible faculty within the unit will have the opportunity to participate by vote, such as by the vote of an elected personnel committee, or by other democratic processes as specified by the individual unit’s bylaws. The voting results will be available to voting members, and the faculty’s vote will be transmitted to the appointing authority along with evaluative reports providing a full assessment of strengths and weaknesses that have been prepared by faculty representatives.

In decisions to appoint, retain, grant tenure to, or promote faculty, tenured/tenure-eligible faculty within the unit will have the right to participate by vote, such as by the vote of an elected personnel committee, or by other democratic processes as specified by the individual unit’s bylaws. In these kinds of personnel decisions, individuals should not vote on the same action at more than one level.

Unit bylaws and procedures must ensure that the hiring process maintains confidentiality and minimizes negative consequences for all candidates.

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