Disability Rights Action Center
United Spinal Association encourages everyone to get involved and be an advocate and activist. We can facilitate change but only if we actively pursue it.
Mobilize with us by adding your name to our Grassroots Advocacy Network. The Grassroots Advocacy Network is for those advocates who want to be on the cutting edge of change.
Make MFP Program and Spousal Impoverishment Protections Permanent
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program, which helps get people with disabilities out of institutions and back in their homes, needs to be made permanent. So do important protections for Medicaid eligibility.
Support the SSI Restoration Act
SSI eligibility rules haven't been updated in decades and make it difficult to keep your eligibility if you get married.
End Subminimum Wage for People with Disabilities
United Spinal supports the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act to responsibly end the 14(c) program, which allows employers to pay people with disabilities less than the minimum wage.
Save Manual Wheelchairs and Critical Components
The small population of people who require Complex Rehab wheelchairs have the highest level of disabilities and require custom configured wheelchairs.
Let’s Pass the REAADI for Disasters Act
The REAADI for Disasters Act will establish a National Commission on Disability Rights and Disasters to study the needs of individuals with disabilities.
Support The ABLE Age Adjustment Act
We support an increase in the age of eligibility for ABLE account holders from the age of 26 to 46 and hope to have a legislative bill to fix this issue in the 116th Congress.
Save Our Medical Supplies
Prescribed medical supplies such as urological and ostomy products should continue to be excluded from competitive bidding program under Medicare.
Support the Civil Rights of People with Disabilities
United Spinal supports the Disability Integration Act (S. 117/H.R. 555) which specifies in Federal Statute that people with disabilities have a federally protected right to a real choice in how and where they receive community services and supports.
Air Travel Wins But We Need to Keep the Pressure On
Congratulations to all of you for helping to change air travel for the better for people with disabilities. As of the Fall of 2018, new consumer protections were signed into law by the President. However, as our President and CEO James Weisman states, as long as discrimination of people with disabilities exists anywhere, United Spinal will continue to fight for equal access and equal rights for all.
A Separate Medicare Complex Rehabilitation Technology Benefit Is Needed
Don't let them take away the wheelchair that works for you. Help ensure complex rehab technology is available to all people who need it!
Make MFP Program and Spousal Impoverishment Protections Permanent
The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program, which helps get people with disabilities out of institutions and back in their homes, needs to be made permanent. So do important protections for Medicaid eligibility.
Secure Work Coalition Helps People with Disabilities Reach Their Potential
When it comes to opportunities for work after SCI/D, there is some positive news on the horizon. With the job market expanding and US unemployment rates at a low, it is a good climate for individuals with disabilities to return to work.
Grassroots Advocacy: Change Starts with You
Grassroots advocacy is an awareness initiative generated by concerned individuals that builds a community of support both on the ground and online.
The ADA Education and Reform Act Passed
The ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017 limits the ability of people with disabilities to enforce their rights to access places of public accommodation.
Spotlight on South Carolina
Marka Danielle Rodgers and the South Carolina chapter making a difference.
Oregon Spinal Cord Injury Connection
Oregon Spinal Cord Injury Connection spoke with AirBnB to advise on accessibility both as a vacation customer and accessible rental host.
Minnesota Spinal Cord Injury Association
MNSCIA advocates introduce Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injury Research Grant Program.
VA Mission Act of 2018 Signed into Law
The VA MISSION Act was signed into law to ensure that veterans have access to high quality and timely healthcare.