The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20190912201239/https://www.export.gov/Platinum-Key-Service

Platinum Key Service

Get long-term, sustained market entry/expansion support


Our staff located in 80 countries around the globe can provide you with market entry/expansion support specifically tailored to your unique needs. We can help design and implement a market entry/expansion strategy and assign a single point of contact to provide long-term, focused support to help you succeed.

Eligibility and Pricing

You must be an export-ready U.S. company seeking to export goods or services of U.S. origin or that have at least 51% U.S. content to utilize this service. 
The fee for the Platinum Key Service varies depending on company size and scope of service. To learn more about the service and determine if it is right for you, contact one of our Trade Specialists today.

Learn More