MSSP Partners | RiskIQ
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MSSP Partner Program

The RiskIQ Global Partner Program drives incremental revenue and insight for clients

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Strategic Partners Grow Value with Digital Attack Surface Management

In the race to innovate and scale rapidly, businesses are undergoing a digital transformation that spans digital channels and causes their digital attack surfaces to balloon in size. The modern digital attack surface now extends far beyond the corporate perimeter and is visible across the cloud and web, social, and mobile ecosystems—all of which represent critical business assets for any organization.

The new business processes that were spawned from these initiatives are now operating well beyond the visibility of traditional security controls, and that means an entirely new digital attack surface and point of vulnerability to monitor.

This ever-expansive digital landscape represents a tremendous opportunity for RiskIQ strategic partners to grow their services.

“Interest in security technologies is increasingly driven by elements of digital business, particularly cloud, mobile computing and now also the Internet of Things, as well as by the sophisticated and high-impact nature of advanced targeted attacks.”

– Elizabeth Kim, Research Analyst at Gartner

Security Outside the Firewall is a Major Opportunity


Worldwide cybersecurity market topped $75 billion in 2015 -The Wall Street Journal Venture Capital Dispatch

IT security spending will soar to $101 billion in 2018 and hit $170 billion by 2020 – Investor’s Business Daily.

With RiskIQ, Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) partners, Digital Transformation Partners, Cloud Migration Partners, and other Strategic Partners have visibility into additional assets that can come under their scope of services.

These additional assets typically fall into categories such as owned and known, owned and unknown, and rogue assets representing an organization in a malicious manner. Once these assets are identified, RiskIQ partners can envelop them in a consistent disposition and risk mitigation plan that may include:

Cloud migration

Security operations center functions

Digital transformation projects

Vuln. management providers

Cloud platform providers

Risk assessment initiatives

Web application pen-testing providers

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