Our population statistics cover age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, migration, ancestry, language use, veterans, as well as population estimates and projections.
The U.S. Census Bureau is the official source of statistical data tracking the national economy.
Business is a large part of America's diverse economy. This section provides key information about businesses in your community.
This section provides information on a range of educational topics, from educational attainment and school enrollment to school districts, costs and financing.
Prepare for Emergencies, Natural and Man-made Disasters using U.S. Census Bureau's data and statistics
We measure the state of the nation's workforce, including employment and unemployment levels, weeks and hours worked, occupations, and commuting.
Our statistics highlight trends in household and family composition, describe characteristics of the residents of housing units, and show how they are related.
Health statistics on insurance coverage, disability, fertility and other health issues are increasingly important in measuring the nation’s overall well-being.
We measure the housing and construction industry, track homeownership rates, and produce statistics on the physical and financial characteristics of our homes.
Income is the gauge many use to determine the well-being of the U.S. population. Survey and census questions cover poverty, income, and wealth.
The U.S. Census Bureau is the official source for U.S. export and import statistics and regulations governing the reporting of exports from the U.S.
The U.S. Census Bureau provides data for the Federal, state and local governments as well as voting, redistricting, apportionment and congressional affairs.
Geography is central to the work of the Bureau, providing the framework for survey design, sample selection, data collection, tabulation, and dissemination.
Find resources on how to use geographic data and products with statistical data, educational blog postings, and presentations.
The Geographic Support System Initiative will integrate improved address coverage, spatial feature updates, and enhanced quality assessment and measurement.
Work with interactive mapping tools from across the Census Bureau.
Find geographic data and products such as Shapefiles, KMLs, TIGERweb, boundary files, geographic relationship files, and reference and thematic maps.
Metropolitan and micropolitan areas are geographic entities used by Federal statistical agencies in collecting, tabulating, and publishing Federal statistics.
Find information about specific partnership programs and learn more about our partnerships with other organizations.
Definitions of geographic terms, why geographic areas are defined, and how the Census Bureau defines geographic areas.
We conduct research on geographic topics such as how to define geographic areas and how geography changes over time.
Tells the stories behind the numbers in a new inviting way. It features stories on various topics such as housing, employment and population.
Official audio files from the Census Bureau, including "Profile America," a daily series of bite-sized statistics, placing current data in a historical context.
Stock photos that illustrate official Census Bureau operations and activities.
Read publications, briefs and reports from Census Bureau experts.
Watch Census Bureau vignettes, testimonials, and video files.
Explore Census data with infographics and visualizations covering a broad range of topics.
Read research analyses via working papers and reports from Census Bureau experts.
Find information using interactive applications to get statistics from multiple surveys.
Developer portal to access services and documentation for the Census Bureau's APIs.
Find a multitude of DVDs, CDs and publications in print by topic.
These external sites provide more data.
The Census Bureau reuses data from other agencies to cut the cost of data collection and to reduce the burden on people who respond to our censuses and surveys.
Download extraction tools to help you get the in-depth data you need.
Learn more about our data from this collection of e-tutorials, presentations, webinars and other training materials. Sign up for training sessions.
Explore Census data with infographics and visualizations covering a broad range of topics.
If you have received a survey, this site will help you verify that the survey came from us, understand and complete the form, and know how we protect your data.
The U.S. Census Bureau is researching modern and cost-efficient methods for the population to exercise its civic obligation to be counted in the 2020 Census.
The 2017 Census Test provided the opportunity to research new methods and advanced technologies to improve data collection during the 2020 Census.
The 2018 End-to-End Census Test will take place in Pierce County, Wash.; Providence County, R.I.; and the Bluefield-Beckley-Oak Hill, W.Va., area.
National and state population totals from the 2010 Census were released on December 21, 2010
The American Community Survey is the premier source for information about America's changing population, housing and workforce.
The AHS is sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.
The Economic Census is the U.S. government's official five-year measure of American business and the economy.
Basic enumerations of population, housing units, group quarters and transitory locations conducted by the Census Bureau at the request of a governmental unit.
Collects data and measures change for many topics including: economic well-being, family dynamics, education, assets, health insurance, and childcare.
Connect with the U.S. Census Bureau using social media.
Find interesting and quirky statistics regarding national celebrations and major events.
Stats for Stories provides story ideas highlighting the Bureau's newsworthy statistics that relate to current events, observances, holidays, and anniversaries.
See what's coming up in releases and reports.
Press Kits package information about Census Bureau topics, including media contacts, press releases and fact sheets, story ideas and multimedia resources.
Information about the U.S. Census Bureau.
Information about what we do at the U.S. Census Bureau.
Our researchers explore innovative ways to conduct surveys, increase respondent participation, reduce costs, and improve accuracy.
Learn about other opportunities to collaborate with us.
Explore prospective positions available at the U.S. Census Bureau.
Information about the current field vacancies available at the U.S. Census Bureau Regional Offices.
The regional offices are responsible for all data collection, data dissemination, and geographic operations under a new service area boundary.
Explore the rich historical background of an organization with roots almost as old as the nation.
The Census Bureau reuses data from other agencies to cut the cost of data collection and to reduce the burden on people who respond to our censuses and surveys.
101 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 3200
Atlanta, GA 30303-2700
(404) 730-3832 or 1-800-424-6974
FAX: (404) 730-3835
TDD: (404) 730-3963
E-mail: Atlanta.Regional.Office@census.gov
1111 W. 22nd Street, Suite 400
Oak Brook, IL 60523-1918
(630) 288-9200 or 1-800-865-6384
FAX: (630) 288-9288
TDD: (708) 562-1791
E-mail: Chicago.Regional.Office@census.gov
6950 W. Jefferson Avenue, Suite 250
Lakewood, CO 80235
(720) 962-3700 or 1-800-852-6159
FAX: (303) 969-6777
TDD: (303) 969-6767
E-mail: Denver.Regional.Office@census.gov
15350 Sherman Way, Suite 400
Van Nuys, CA 91406-4224
(818) 267-1700 or 1-800-992-3529
FAX: (818) 267-1711
TDD: (818) 904-6249
E-mail: Los.Angeles.Regional.Office@census.gov
32 Old Slip, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10005
(212) 584-3400 or 1-800-991-2520
FAX: (212) 584-3402
TDD: (212) 478-4793
E-mail: New.York.Regional.Office@census.gov
100 South Independence Mall West
Suite 410
Philadelphia, PA 19106-2320
(215) 717-1800 or 1-800-262-4236
FAX: (215) 717-0755
TDD: (215) 717-0894
E-mail: Philadelphia.Regional.Office@census.gov
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