Arizona State University
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Manuals Archives

In accordance with Arizona public records laws and requirements, a printout of the online text at University Archives serves as the official record. To view or obtain copies of the archived policies, please contact the University Archives, part of the ASU Libraries system, at stating the manual name, the policy number, and the posting date(s) desired. The online manuals replaced the earlier paper editions, which are no longer produced.

Archived Manual Revision Notices, or a summary of manual changes, for each posting where updates occurred for a specific manual are available for viewing online.

Policy archives in electronic formats (HTML, PDF, or other) date back to 1998, when the ASU system of administrative and academic policy manuals were first published on the ASU Web. These archives are provided as a courtesy for informational purposes only, are not considered the official record. Furthermore, electronic postings may be incomplete.

Questions: Contact us.