IAHC Proposal
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20040602185016/http://www.gtld-mou.org:80/draft-iahc-recommend-00.html

International Ad Hoc Committee
February 4, 1997

Final Report of the
International Ad Hoc Committee:
Recommendations for
Administration and Management of gTLDs

This Report contains the final recommendations from the International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC), a task force selected by the IAB, IANA, ITU, INTA, WIPO, and ISOC. A companion, part sub-titled "Legal Documents" contains drafts of all relevant instruments to be used in implementing the recommendations in this Report.

This Report provides description and explanation of the gTLD administration and management recommendations selected by the IAHC. The report attempts to be thorough and accurate, with respect to the details of the Legal Documents which implement these recommendations. In the case of disparities between statements in this Report and contents of the Legal Documents, the Legal Documents will take precedence.


1.1 IAHC Charter
1.2 Goals and Milestones
1.3 Goals and Milestones
1.4 IAHC Documents

2.1 Nature of TLDs
2.2 Registries

3.1 Recommendations
3.2 Discussion
3.2.1 Whether to Create New gTLDs
3.2.2 Which gTLDs to Create
3.2.3 Existing gTLDs

4.1 Recommendations
4.1.1 Regional Allocations
4.1.2 Requirements for Qualifying to Participate in the Lottery
4.1.3 Lottery
4.1.4 Fees
4.1.5 Authority
4.2 Discussion
4.2.1 Qualification criteria
4.2.2 Fees

5.1 Recommendations
5.1.1 Policy
5.1.2 Operations
5.2 Discussion

6.1 Recommendations
6.1.1 CORE
6.1.2 Existing gTLD Registrars
6.1.3 gTLD Repository
6.1.4 gTLD DNS Master Servers
6.1.5 Second-Level Domains
6.2 Discussion

7.1 Recommendations
7.1.1 On-Line Mediation and Expedited Arbitration
7.1.2 Administrative Domain Name Challenge Panels
7.1.3 Publication
7.2 Discussion
7.2.1 Trademark concerns for SLDs
7.2.2 Publication
7.2.3 Administrative Domain Name Challenge

8.1 ISO 3166 Country Codes
8.1.1 Functional SLDs under ISO 3166 TLDs
8.1.2 Addition of .tm.<iso3166-code>
8.1.3 Notification period within ISO 3166 name spaces
8.1.4 Publication
8.2 Trademark-specific Domain Name Spaces
8.2.1 National trademark domain name space
8.2.2 International trademark domain name space
8.2.3 User-friendly directory






Top Level Domain (TLD) names provide the beginning of the Internet naming scheme. The International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC, www.iahc.org) was formed to pursue enhancements in the administration and use of the "international" Top Level Domain name space (iTLD).

The IAHC has developed recommendations for enhancement to "generic" Top Level Domains (gTLDs) administration and operation which balance concerns for stable operations, continued growth, business opportunities, and legal constraints. The recommendations call for periodic review and modification, as experience dictates.

After extensive discussions and consultations, including the use of public mailing lists as well as attendance at various public forums, the IAHC is now able to submit the following report of its findings and recommendations.

The purview of the IAHC is that of gTLD registries. A registry comprises the range of registration activities, initiated by registrants through registrars which record relevant information in repositories. Oversight of registries is performed by stewards. Each TLD is a separate registry, although actual administration and operations of a set of TLDs may be performed jointly.

The major aspects of this report are outlined here:

Domain Name Service

gTLD Governance

for businesses, or firms
for businesses offering goods to purchase
for entities emphasizing activities related to the WWW
for entities emphasizing cultural and entertainment activities
for entities emphasizing recreation/entertainment activities
for entities providing information services
for those wishing individual or personal nomenclature

Trademark Issues


The International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC) was formed at the initiative of the Internet Society, and at the request of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). IANA has responsibility for the maintenance of administrative tables for Internet services, including "top level" domain names (TLD) and the delegation of their maintenance to appropriate agencies. The IAHC is tasked with developing administration and management enhancements for the general class of TLDs that have been called "international".

This report comprises the recommendations of a committee formed to resolve a difficult and long-standing set of challenges in the Domain Name System, namely enhancing its use while attempting to juggle such concerns as administrative fairness, operational stability and robustness, and protection of intellectual property. Each component of this topic offers a wide range of solutions. Each possible solution has a supporting constituency.

Necessarily, any proposal attempting to navigate the many constraints must represent equally many compromises. This proposal is offered with the hope and expectation that the Internet community will appreciate that necessity and offer constructive suggestions for improvements which maintain the reasonable balance attempted by this proposal.

1.1 IAHC Charter

(This is the original charter, unmodified by later IAHC positions and views.)

The Domain Name System (DNS) is an essential component in the Internet's operational infrastructure. Designed for locating machines on the Internet, it maps between their human-friendly names and their transport (IP) addresses. Machine names are a series of textual fields, representing a registration and lookup hierarchy. Each registry in the hierarchy is delegated authority from the registry above. A number of "Top Level Domain" (TLD) registries already exist: one for each country, and a small number which are international (iTLD) such as .com, .org and .net. For more than ten years the set of TLD registries was stable and sufficient. The recent explosive commercialization of the Internet has produced a requirement for enhanced assignment procedures. A complicating factor is that the human-friendly quality of domain name strings has also made them commercially valuable. The IAHC is an international multi-organization effort for specifying and implementing policies and procedures relating to iTLDs.

Membership in the IAHC comprises a broad range of legal, administrative, operations and technical constituencies. Representatives come from organizations that sponsor TLD administration, sponsor similar international activities, review and define relevant international legal matters, provide Internet service, and develop Internet technologies and products.

Proper operation of TLDs is essential for the smooth running of the Internet. This includes both administration of domain name assignments, as well as the real-time behavior of the distributed lookup service which achieves DNS mappings for client software. Further, the topic of iTLDs has become controversial and includes potentially large financial implications. For its specification effort, the IAHC will operate in the style of an Internet standards "design team", formulating criteria and procedures but seeking review, modification and consensus from the rest of the Internet community. Internet standards are developed according to the principal of "rough consensus" which means a strongly dominant sense of preference within the community that is seeking to achieve forward progress, in spite of differing opinions.

The DNS is an international resource and the IAHC will at all times operate with that perspective. the IAHC specification effort will address legal, administrative, technical and operational concerns, with particular attention to the questions of fairness and functional stability. the IAHC will attempt to define procedures which are as simple, fair and direct as possible, resolving the minimum required issues. In order to provide timely results, the IAHC will focus initially on the issues of highest priority.

1.2 Goals and Milestones

Nov 11, 96

Dec 19, 96

Jan 17, 97

Feb 4, 97

Feb 7, 97

gTLD start
(days relative to start)

+ 7 days

+ 67 days

+ 97 days

+98 days

+ 99 days

+ 100 days

Publish IAHC charter & press release
Solicit near-term iTLD policy & procedure proposals

IAHC proposal available for public review

Last day to submit reviews of proposal

IAHC Final Report

Draft of legal documents enabling IAHC recommendations

IANA and ISOC sign gTLD-MoU
Audit organization for processing applications selected
Swiss association for CORE created

Call for registrar applications

End of call for applications

Final processing of applications by audit organization

Results of registrar lottery announced

CORE-MoU signed by registrars

IAHC forms POC
CORE begins operation

1.3 Public Participation

The IAHC invited comments on its proposal. General discussion has taken place on the iahc-discuss@iahc.org mailing list. Also, formal comments were sent to iahc-submit@iahc.org which were then posted to the IAHC web page. Over 4,000 informal and 100 formal comments were submitted during the IAHC's 2 month development and review period. Additional material, as well as instructions for subscribing to the IAHC mailing list, has been located at <http://www.iahc.org>.

1.4 IAHC Documents

This Report

Legal Documents

SLD Applications

Registrar Application Form



CORE Articles of Association

Dispute Resolution Details

WIPO Rules

This Final Report is divided between:
  • Recommendations for Administration and Management
  • Legal Documents
Recommendations detail goals, process and decisions of the IAHC and structure of the activities it has defined. Recommendations further discuss rationale for that structure. Where appropriate, the recommendations part is divided between recommendation and discussion.

Annexes to CORE-MoU:
CORE Articles of Association
SLD Applications
Domain Name Dispute Resolution Details

Recommended forms for application to obtain second-level domain name within a gTLD, and for renewal.

Application form to be published after MoU is signed.

The enabling document which creates the structure and activities recommended in this Report. Required signatories include IANA and ISOC, with supporting signatories forming the Policy Advisory Body.

Creates CORE. Signed by all members of CORE, i.e., all gTLD registrars.

Establishes CORE as a Swiss non-profit association.

Procedures for pursuing challenges and disagreements.

Mediation and Arbitration Rules of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center.


Nature of TLDs

The current DNS Top level domains (TLD) are considered to be divided into several classes: ISO 3166 country codes (.fr, .ca, .au, etc.), sometimes referred to as national TLDs, and so-called international TLDs (.com, .org, .net and .int). In addition, special cases exist, such as .mil, .gov, .edu and .arpa.

The IAHC believes that the term "international" is currently misapplied. The IAHC considers the DNS as comprising the following three types of top-level domain names:


Each country is assigned a top level domain name that corresponds with its ISO 3166 country code (for example, .au for Australia, .ch for Switzerland, .jp for Japan, .us for United States, etc.). The .edu, mil, and .gov are special domains, historically used by the US. The IAHC recognizes the national interests of sovereign nations in setting policies for these country code TLDs.


The IAHC adopts the view that international top-level domains are those which are dedicated exclusively to entities which have a truly international character. The most reasonable example of this is the ".int" TLD, which includes, inter alia, international intergovernmental organizations.

The term "international" inherently refers to actions, or recognition, of multiple national governments. For example, a corporation is not an international corporation merely because it exports products to other countries.

While it is not believed that there need to be any additional top level domains in this class of TLDs, at this time, an appropriate international organization, such as the ITU, should make recommendations concerning the development and enrichment of the truly international domain name space.


RFC 1591 [Post94] refers to the TLDs .com, .org and .net as "generic" TLDs (gTLD). The IAHC believes that this is the only accurate characterization of these TLDs. For example, these TLDs are, in practice, open to anyone who lives anywhere (which is why, perhaps, they have come to be referred to as "international".) However, there is no criterion that an applicant for a domain name in any of these spaces act in an international capacity. For example, a local entity with no activity outside of the local area (much less outside of the country) can obtain a domain name in these TLDs.

The term "generic" TLD is used by the IAHC to refer to a TLD in which any entity from any country may register, whether or not it has an international character, without having to conform to any particular criteria.

Recognizing the de facto present situation, the IAHC recommends that any existing special criteria should be lifted from .com, .net and .org and they should be considered to be gTLDs.

2.2 Registries

A REGISTRY comprises the roles and activities involved in the administration of a portion of the Domain name space. With respect to the work of the IAHC, a registry pertains to a single gTLD and encompasses all of the services needed for assignment and maintenance of that TLD and its registrations.

A REGISTRAR is an entity which is authorized to obtain, enter and modify a registry's data, based on customer contact.

A REGISTRANT is a registrar customer applying for, or holding, a subordinate domain name. In the case of this Report, a Registrant obtains an SLD under a gTLD.

A REPOSITORY contains the primary (master) data for a registry. It is important to note that a repository is NOT part of the operational (real-time) DNS, but rather provides records to DNS primary servers, through regular updates. Repository data is often made available through the WHOIS name service.

A registry may have multiple registrars. A registrar may be authorized for multiple registries. In determining the numbers of registrars for a registry, a fundamental issue is one of trust and cooperation. If multiple registrars share a registry and they have a fully cooperative relationship, the repository for the registry can be maintained using fully distributed data base technology.

If the registrars for a registry have a mutually suspicious relationship -- as is typical in competitive business circumstances -- then the repository for that registry needs to be operated by a trusted, independent third party, with simple rules of access. Particularly appropriate rules include fair use and assigning precedence for competing requests on a first come, first served basis.

A STEWARD has oversight responsibility for a registry, ensuring that it is operated in the public trust. If the registry is a monopoly, the steward, the registrar, and the operator of the repository are typically one in the same. When multiple, competing registrars exist for a registry, it is appropriate to have independent stewardship. This ensures operation of the registry in the public trust. It assesses performance of the repository and the registrars, enacting changes as necessary.


3.1 Recommendations

New gTLDs will consist of strings of three to five letters each. gTLD names should have general, contextual meaning, i.e. the gTLD should suggest a connection with the Internet, with business or with personal uses.

Seven, new gTLDs are specified here. It is expected that no further allocations will be made until April, 1998.

for businesses, or firms
for businesses offering goods to purchase
for entities emphasizing activities related to the World Wide Web
for entities emphasizing cultural and entertainment activities
for entities emphasizing recreation/entertainment activities
for entities providing information services
for those wishing individual or personal nomenclature, i.e., a personal nom de plume

The existing gTLDs are:


for entities emphasizing data networking activities, especially with respect to the Internet
for not-for-profit entities
for businesses or firms of a commercial nature

3.2 Discussion

3.2.1 Whether to Create New gTLDs

There is a body of opinion suggesting that there is no fundamental need for expanding the top level domain space with further entries. The basis for this view includes the observation that the existing top level domain space provides some level of "overflow" through the existing, widely-adopted, second level domain structure within the ISO 3166 national domain spaces. It further includes the claim that generic top level domains which expressly overlapped with the most popular of the existing gTLDs, .com, would encourage immediate duplication of registration in these additional name spaces, further exacerbating the current issues associated with the utility and viability of the DNS structure within the Internet.

Equally there is a body of opinion which suggests that there is a need to create alternative entry points into the DNS within the gTLD space. The basis for this view includes the observation that creation of such additional gTLDs would allow a form of natural competition with existing gTLDs, creating alternate entry points for access to the gTLD domain space, and that such natural forms of competition will assist in preventing the operators of any particular gTLD from assuming the role of a monopoly provider with the associated inherent risks of monopoly-based market trading practices.

A decision to undertake creation of new gTLDs requires balancing the relative attributes and risks of each approach, with the objective of ensuring coherence, utility and efficient accessibility of the DNS name space to the constituency of the Internet.

The unique nature of the gTLD space, and the current exclusive, operational profile of the existing gTLD space in terms of their respective administrative arrangements does pose a significant strategic risk to the overall objectives as outlined above. Given that this gTLD space is one which is expressly outside the ISO 3166 derived name spaces naturally assigned to national bodies, the assessment of this risk factor was considered to be a major determinant issue to the question of whether to create further gTLDs.

Implementation of the IAHC recommendations necessarily carries risks. Given that the DNS is critical to the operation of the Internet, the IAHC is defining initial changes of a relatively modest scale, with later evaluation and modification as appropriate.

It is noted by the IAHC that competitive shared access to any domain registry is a useful market control mechanism to reduce the risk of monopolistic trading practices. This is a major premise in the IAHC's decision for administration and management of gTLD space. The IAHC further recommends this policy be considered by the relevant ISO 3166 TLD national authorities and administrations.

3.2.2 Which gTLDs to Create

It is noted that an immediate large increase of gTLDs increases the risk of impacting the coherence of the overall gTLD space, through increased complexity in the process of determining which is the appropriate gTLD for an end consumer to choose and possibly through operational difficulties. Therefore, the IAHC has adopted an initially conservative approach to the number of additional gTLDs, through the creation of seven new gTLDs.

The choices include a sampling of names, some of which are highly non-specific and others of which give substantive indication of the activity in which the named organization engages. At this point in time, it is not clear what types of names will prove popular and the IAHC feels that a mixture of names will permit useful exploration by the community. Later choices will reflect experience gained from this set.

3.2.3 Existing gTLDs

It is intended that all existing gTLDs eventually be shared.


4.1 Recommendations

4.1.1 Regional Allocations

4.1.2 Requirements for Qualifying to Participate in the Lottery

All applicants that wish to qualify to participate in the lottery to become a Registrar must comply with the following five metrics. These metrics will be independently validated by a designated, independent audit agency, at a cost to be borne by the applicant.

4.1.3 Lottery

4.1.4 Fees

4.1.5 Authority

4.2 Discussion

The ultimate goal for registries operating in the gTLD space is that any qualified entity may be a registrar, and that every registrar shares responsibility for registering domain names in all gTLDs. Noting its concern for managing change to a critical Internet resource, the IAHC believes that the number of additional Registrars authorized in the next year should be limited to between twenty and thirty, with additional Registrars added at the rate of twenty to thirty per year, subject to an annual review of the efficient functioning of the system. The limit on the number of Registrars should be completely removed when the capability to register domain names in the present gTLD .com, .org and .net domains become shared among all Registrars.

4.2.1 Qualification criteria

Assessing whether a registrar has the necessary qualifications requires objectives standards. These standards need to be quantitative metrics that do not require subjective analysis. The IAHC realizes that many of these parameters can not easily be quantified and therefore has selected just five metrics by which applicants will be formally judged. An independent auditing firm will verify the validity of information provided on the application form.

Another concern of the IAHC has been the ability of small startup operations to participate in the registrar lottery. By setting low enough standards in regards to capital, insurance and number of employees the IAHC will be allowing companies from developing countries as well as small venture capital backed companies to compete with global multinationals in the lottery process.

Lastly, the IAHC wishes to differentiate between regions where there will be few competitors for the available slots available vs. regions where there will many more applicants than available slots. The IAHC will be accomplishing this via setting higher standards for popular regions.

A fully conscientious applicant will satisfy both the objective and the subjective criteria recommended by the IAHC. They are:



4.2.2 Fees

The application fee is based on apportioning the estimated costs for operating the registrar selection process, which includes legal, financial, administrative, and travel costs. If actual costs are less than this amount, the remainder will be applied to the CORE budget.


5.1 Recommendations

5.1.1 Policy


The gTLD-MoU is the basic instrument for implementing the recommendations of the IAHC. It stipulates that the Internet top level domain space is regarded as a public resource and is subject to the public trust. Therefore, any administration, use and/or evolution of the Internet TLD space is a public policy issue and must be carried out in an open and public manner in the interests and service of the public.

The gTLD-MoU is enabled upon obtaining the required signatures from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and from the Internet Society (ISOC). Changes to the gTLD-MoU are initiated by the Policy Oversight Committee and approved by IANA and ISOC, following consultation with PAB and CORE.

ITU Depository

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), an international treaty organization (Geneva), has agreed, in principle, to act as the Depository for the gTLD-MoU, pursuant to the basic provisions of the Constitution of the ITU which include:

gTLD Policy Oversight Committee (POC)

The IAHC delegates stewardship for the set of gTLDs to the gTLD Policy Oversight Committee (POC). The POC will ensure that gTLDs are administered and operated in a public and open manner which balances the commercial interests of the registrars with the public policy interests of the Internet domain name space.

Members of the POC will be named by the following organizations (in the indicated numbers):

IANA (2)

ITU (1)

CORE (2)

ISOC (2)

INTA (1)

Depository (1, ex officio)

IAB (2)

WIPO (1)

Appointments will be initiated so as to create staggered, 3-year terms. Successive appointments are encouraged to be drawn from different geographic regions, according to the seven (7) global regions, defined by the World Trade Organization (WTO), described at <http://www.iahc.org/docs/countries.html>.

Among its other responsibilities, POC will determine the creation of any future gTLDs. gTLD Policy Advisory Body (PAB)

The gTLD Policy Advisory Body (PAB) is made up of signatories to the gTLD-MoU and includes relevant governmental organizations, non-governmental Organizations, industry, and Internet operations organizations


The Council of Registrars (CORE) will be established by POC, through a Memorandum of Understanding (CORE-MoU). The CORE-MoU provides the necessary contractual, legal, oversight and public policy framework under which CORE and the individual Registrars must operate. All Internet registrars will be signatories to the CORE-MoU.

Articles of Association

CORE will be established as a Swiss, non-profit Association, subject to Swiss law. The Articles of Association specify the structure and purview of CORE. In particular, it provides for an Executive Committee, to be elected by the CORE membership, and for a Permanent Secretariat to act as staff for the organization.

5.1.2 Operations


CORE's primary functions are to coordinate activities among the registrars, such as operation of the shared registration data base repository.


Direct interaction with SLD registrants will be by gTLD registrars who perform registration services and provide customer support. Registrars must locate their registration information in the shared repository and otherwise agree to abide by the rules and dictates of the gTLD-MoU, CORE-MoU and the POC. Beyond those constraints, a registrar may develop and operate their service as they see fit.

5.2 Discussion

The gTLD-MoU and the CORE-MoU provide the basic authority for enhanced gTLD administration and operation. It is the required and supporting signatories to these MoUs which provide the public and legal policy framework for the structure and activity recommended in this Report.

The POC is charged with ensuring that the public trust is served. It is not involved in the daily operation of the gTLD registries but, instead, attends to matters of registry policy only. Within the bounds of that policy, wide range of business and operational models are available to those serving as registrars

The POC membership is broad based, initially based on the composition of the IAHC which developed this report. Policy decisions and changes to the MoUs will be made through an open and consultative process, in particular using review and advice from the PAB and CORE.

Once the administrative scheme under the gTLD-MOU (including CORE and the gTLD registrars) is working and stable, and the PAB has grown to become a body that is broadly representative of Internet stakeholders, the make-up of the POC will be reviewed.


6.1 Recommendations

6.1.1 CORE

CORE provides first-level oversight and coordination among gTLD registrars, ensuring consistent service by registrars and fairness among them. The details of its management will be determined by the CORE Executive Committee and its Permanent Secretariat.

CORE will develop and operate a shared repository for gTLD registration data. It also will operate the DNS master server(s) for these TLDs.

CORE will develop procedures for handling disputes among Registrars and/or other signatories preferably by binding arbitration.

CORE will make available public reports and statistics available about registration activities during fixed reporting periods.

CORE will be a not-for-profit association, funded through member fees, on a cost-recovery basis.

6.1.2 Existing gTLD Registrars

Registrars for existing gTLDs are encouraged to join CORE and abide by CORE principles and rules, unifying the handling of all gTLDs and obtaining equal benefits with other gTLD registries.

6.1.3 gTLD Repository

CORE will contract with an independent and neutral third-party for operation of the shared gTLD repository data base (gDB). The specific details of gDB subcontracting and operation will be determined by CORE.

Members of CORE will have equal access to the repository data base. Allocation of SLD registrations is made on an equitable first-come/first-served basis among the registries.

6.1.4 gTLD DNS Master Servers

CORE will contract with an independent and neutral third-party for operation of at least the master server for the gTLDs it supports.

6.1.5 Second-Level Domains

SLD application

Application for a second-level domain name must include:

A separate document entitled "SLD Applications" (see section 1.4) contains the information that must be included in a SLD application. Applications submitted electronically must include state of the art electronic identification; written applications must be signed by the applicant, if an individual, or by an officer or other legally authorized representative if the applicant is an entity.

Renewal and non-use

To promote accountability, discourage extortion and minimize obsolete entries, SLD assignments must be renewed annually. Appendix B, attached, includes the information that must be included in a renewal application. Renewal applications submitted electronically must include state of the art electronic identification; written renewal applications must be signed by the applicant, if an individual, or by an officer or other legally authorized representative if the applicant is an entity.

In addition to requiring annual renewal, CORE will develop policies to ensure the recovery of sub-domains which no longer have an authoritative source (lame delegations).

6.2 Discussion

In order to ensure consistency of basic service across registrars, certain information is required in all applications for SLDs under gTLDs. It is desirable that a domain name application include sufficient information regarding the applicant and the applicant's intended use of the domain name to ensure applicant accountability and to ensure that sufficient information is available to enable trademark owners to assess the need for a challenge to the proposed SLD domain.


7.1 Recommendations

7.1.1 On-Line Mediation and Expedited Arbitration

Each application for a domain name under a shared gTLD administered by CORE (whether or not a voluntary 60-day waiting period is requested) will contain a clause whereby the applicant agrees:

The actual clause to be included is contained in an annex to the CORE-MOU.

7.1.2 Administrative Domain Name Challenge Panels

Administrative Domain Name Challenge Panels will be established to administer the policy that second level domain names which are identical or closely similar to names which are, for the purposes of the Internet, internationally known, and for which demonstrable intellectual property rights exist, should only be held by, or with the authorization of, the owners of such demonstrable intellectual property rights.

Administrative domain name challenge panels would consist of international experts in the fields of intellectual property and Internet domain names. The procedures for creating the panels and for bringing challenges before the panels will be administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization Arbitration and Mediation Center (Geneva). Challenges would be heard on-line wherever possible. Challenges which are initiated within 60 days of the registration of the domain name in question would be on a "fast-track", and would be concluded within 30 days of the initiation of the challenge. Challenges and proposed decisions will be made public on the Internet, and there would be a reasonable period for submission of comments by appropriate third parties (including relevant governmental or regional authorities) before a final decision is made.

An administrative domain name challenge panel would be able to decide that a challenged SLD should be excluded from the gTLD in which it was registered and, in appropriate and exceptional cases, from some or all other gTLDs which fall within the gTLD-MOU. In appropriate cases, second-level domain names which are closely similar to the challenged domain name may also be excluded. Exclusions would be subject to exception, modification or cancellation on appropriate grounds, upon petition by a third party to an administrative domain name challenge panel. The original challenging party would have the right to full participation in any such procedure.

An administrative domain name challenge panel would have authority only over second-level domain names under the gTLDs administered by CORE. That authority derives only from the gTLD-MOU. An administrative domain name challenge panel therefore would not have authority over the parties in a given challenge, and would not have any authority to review or enforce any national or regional intellectual property right or obligation, other than to determine if a second-level domain name is held in violation of the policy set out above.

No decision of an administrative domain name challenge panel would affect the power of the appropriate national or regional sovereign court to hear cases interpreting and enforcing intellectual property rights that fall within its jurisdiction. Likewise, this procedure would not prevent any party from bringing a case before such national or regional sovereign court, nor from initiating arbitration or mediation procedures that are otherwise available.

Registrars would be obligated to honor decisions of administrative domain name challenge panels with respect to exclusion of second-level domain names.

7.1.3 Publication

All applications for SLDs in the gTLDs will be published on a publicly available, publicized web site, immediately upon receipt by the registrar. Such publication entries will include:

Those applicants choosing not to wait will not be in a position to claim the defensive benefit of the waiting period against a challenge, at any time, by a trademark owner.

7.2 Discussion

7.2.1 Trademark concerns for SLDs

The allocation and use of SLDs has raised concerns with respect to their relation to trademarks. It is recognized that trademark owners have a legitimate interest, under national trademark law, in policing against infringement, and that SLDs are capable of infringing trademark rights. Disputes can arise between trademark owners and "extortionists" - those who deliberately obtain a SLD that mirrors a well-known mark or name for the purpose of selling it to the trademark owner or the highest bidder - and between trademark owners and holders of SLDs for legitimate business or personal use. However, trademark considerations have not, for the most part, been taken into account in the context of SLD allocation, which has led, as electronic commerce has exploded, to a predictable collision between SLD allocation and national trademark law. There is no single, universal international law of trademark, so it is not possible to reserve disputes involving trademark and domain names to an international body applying a globally recognized body of law.

One possible approach is for the registrar to insert itself as an arbiter of disputes between trademark owners and SLD holders: The registrar would put an SLD on hold at the behest of the owner of a trademark registration certificate if the holder of an "identical" SLD, once challenged, could not produce its own, trumping trademark certificate or otherwise establish that its use of the domain predates either the effective date or first use date of trademark registration. Such a well-intentioned policy, summarily confers upon a non-judicial body the discretion to essentially grant an injunction against continued use of a SLD, without any adjudication of the merits of the trademark owner's claim against the domain holder. The IAHC feels that such an approach is inconsistent with basic tenets of trademark law and principles of equity and fair play. The dispute policy unfairly burdens the domain holder - who may actually have trademark rights superior to those of the challenging trademark registrant.

The IAHC seeks a registry policy in which registrars are involved as little as possible in trademark disputes. It is recognized that there is a substantial interest in minimizing litigation, including litigation against registries, and in encouraging resolution of legitimate disputes prior to the time that significant investment is made in a domain name.

7.2.2 Publication

In light of the legitimate interests of domain name holders and trademark owners, and in the overall interests of consistency and fair play, the IAHC believes that a sixty (60) day pre-registration period would be beneficial to all stakeholders. A 60 day pre-registration publication period should operate to encourage early pre-litigation resolution of potential disputes, to provide a domain name holder a stronger defense against a subsequent challenge by a trademark owner and to minimize registry involvement in litigation.

However, in response to public comment received, and upon further consideration, the IAHC has determined that this 60 day period should be voluntary, at the choice of the applicant, or at the choice of any registrar that chooses to implement a 60 day pre registration period for all SLDs it registers.

7.2.3 Administrative Domain Name Challenge

In adopting the policy that second-level domain names which contain certain demonstrable intellectual property rights should be able to be held only by an owner of such a demonstrable intellectual property right, the IAHC also recognizes that CORE registrars are not the appropriate entities to enforce this policy. The policy is to be enforced, rather, by means of Administrative Domain Name Challenge Panels. These panels do not substitute for national or regional sovereign courts; they have authority over the domain names only, not the parties. Unlike courts, however, the challenge panels would have the ability to exclude certain names, such as world-wide famous trademarks, from all of the CORE gTLDs. Full details concerning the Administrative Domain Name Challenge Panels are contained in an annex to the CORE-MOU.

It is hoped that the administrative challenge panels will provide a useful alternative to court litigation for solving disputes. It is also hoped that use of the voluntary 60-day waiting period will be recognized by jurisdictions, so that challenges after that period will come to have reduced leverage against the domain name holder.


8.1 ISO 3166 Country Codes

8.1.1 Functional SLDs under ISO 3166 TLDs

It is noted that in many ISO 3166 TLD national name spaces the original generic Internet top level name structure has been adopted as the second level name structure, or a functionally equivalent variant, sometimes using the national language as the source of the appropriate abbreviations.

Examples of functional generic name structures adopted typically have the following components:

The IAHC believes that this is a widely understood functional structure, and notes that this structure has not to date been adopted within the ISO 3166 country code ".us". The IAHC further believes that a major source of demand pressure on the current gTLD space is based on the historical origin of this space and the subsequent introduction of the ".us" country code which does not include the commonly adopted functional second level name structure as described above.

The IAHC suggests that the domain administrator for .us undertake further delegations along the lines of the functional SLD structure, suitably modified to account for large-scale delegation and management, and suggests this type of functional structure to other ISO 3166 national name space administrators as a widely understood structure.

8.1.2 Addition of .tm.<iso3166-code>

The IAHC suggests that the functional name .tm.<iso3166-code>, or a local language equivalent thereof, be added to the functional name set documented in the previous section.

8.1.3 Notification period within ISO 3166 name spaces

In further considering the existing operation of the ISO 3166 second level domain spaces, the IAHC suggests that the administrators of these spaces implement a voluntary 60 day notification period between application and delegation, as well as establishing a fast track on-line mediation and arbitration system, equivalent to the mechanisms being provided for gTLDs.

8.1.4 Publication

The IAHC strongly encourages the ISO country code registries to adopt similar SLD publication procedures as are defined for gTLDs

8.2 Trademark-specific Domain Name Spaces

The IAHC believes that the establishment of trademark-specific domain names is desirable, for example to allow for voluntary registration of such names by trademark owners who are precluded, by the first-come first-served nature of current gTLD registration, from otherwise obtaining such domain names, or who otherwise choose to obtain a trademark-specific domain name. Such a trademark-specific domain space would provide an assurance that the domain name reflects a valid trademark right.

The IAHC recognizes that there are both national and international characteristics of the current trademark system. Therefore, it would be desirable to have both country-related trademark domain name spaces, and an international trademark-specific domain name space, to reflect the dual national/international aspects of the current trademark system.

In a trademark-specific domain name space, each trademark owner should be entitled to a unique domain name which contains its trademark, even if there are multiple owners of registrations for the identical trademark (for example, for use in conjunction with different goods and services, or registrations in different countries.) A formal check of the ownership and validity of the trademark registration on which the domain name application is based would be required.

It should be made clear that there would be no obligation on the part of any trademark owner to register in any of the trademark-specific domain name spaces, or to be listed in any associated trademark-domain name directory. In addition, there would be no negative legal consequences to a trademark owner for not having a trademark-specific domain name or not being listed in a trademark-domain name directory. In particular, the existence of a trademark-specific domain name space does not imply that trademark rights in other top-level domain name spaces are negatively affected in any way.

8.2.1 National trademark domain name space

Some trademark owners have registrations in one country only. For these, a national trademark-related sub-domain space might be desirable.

Thus, the IAHC suggests that the domain name registration authority in each country, in consultation with the relevant trademark registration authority in that country, create a trademark-specific sub-domain within the ISO 3166 country code top-level domain. Such a sub-domain could take the form ".tm.<iso3166-code>". (Note that .tm.fr already exists in France, and can be used as a model.)

It would be appropriate, in the spirit of international harmonization, for a relevant international trademark organization, for example, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), to coordinate, in cooperation with the relevant national trademark offices, the generation of common principles for creating and administering national trademark-domain name spaces.

8.2.2 International trademark domain name space

While it is recognized that there is not yet an international trademark registration which is, of itself, valid for multiple countries in all regions of the world, it is also recognized that there exist international standards for trademarks, and that additional standards are being developed, and more will be developed in the future. In fact, accelerated development of international trademark standards may be driven by new technologies such as the Internet.

Many trademark owners obtain trademark registrations for the same mark in a number of countries. Many others apply for trademark registrations through the international application/registration system administered by WIPO -- there are currently over 300,000 active international registrations in this system. Still others obtain registrations in regional trademark offices which provide a single registration that covers multiple countries, such as the trademark office of the European Union. The IAHC recognizes that trademark owners such as these might desire a trademark-specific domain space that is international in nature.

The IAHC therefore suggests that an international trademark-related domain space be created, and suggests to the organization responsible for the administration of the ".int" TLD that it delegate to an appropriate international trademark administration organization, such as WIPO, the responsibility for the creation and administration of an international trademark-related domain name space, under the international sub-domain ".tm.int". The details concerning registration in that domain space should be developed in cooperation with the relevant trademark offices.

8.2.3 User-friendly Directory

Each trademark-related domain name space should be accompanied by an on-line, user-friendly directory, which would allow a user who enters a trademark to easily find the associated web page. The user-friendliness of such a directory could be enhanced by including the associated logo in the directory.

It may also be found desirable to establish a single directory which covers all of the trademark-related domain name spaces (including country code spaces and the international space), and perhaps even to open the directory to trademark owners who have domain names in other TLDs but who wish to be listed in the trademark-domain name directory.


The Domain Name Service is essential to the smooth operation of the Internet. Changes to the structure or style of DNS operation therefore carry considerable risk. The recommendations offered here attempts to make substantial changes to the administration and operation of gTLD names, but limits the scale of those changes during an initial, "experimental" period, permitting expansion of the changes as experience dictates.


The IAHC's efforts have greatly benefited from extensive on-line discussion, both within the committee and on public discussion lists. Also, the Committee's open request for proposals and comments resulted in numerous submissions from which some concepts and details in the IAHC's proposal were adapted. The current recommendations are the result of integrating the discussions and proposals, seeking a fair and practical balance.


[Post94] Postel, J. , Domain Name System Structure and Delegation, RFC 1591, March 1994.


Sally M. Abel, is a partner in the law firm of Fenwick and West and chairs the Internet Subcommittee of the International Trademark Association (INTA).
Fenwick & West
2 Palo Alto Square
Palo Alto, CA 94036
Phone: 415-494-0600
Fax: 415-494-8022

Dave Crocker, a director of the Internet Mail Consortium, is a principal with Brandenburg Consulting.
675 Spruce Dr.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA
Phone: +1 408 246 8253
Fax: +1 408 249 6205

Donald M. Heath, is president and CEO of the Internet Society and chairs IAHC.
12020 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 210
Reston, VA 20191-3429
Phone: 703/648-9888
Fax: 703/648-9887

Geoff Huston is the technical manager of Australia's Telstra Internet.
5/490 Northbourne Ave
Dickson, ACT 2609
Phone: +61 6 208 1908
Fax: +61 6 248 6165

David W. Maher, a partner at Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, is a registered patent attorney.
8000 Sears Tower
Chicago IL 60606
Phone: 312/876-8055
Fax: 312/876-7934

Perry E. Metzger is president of Piermont Information Systems Inc.
160 Cabrini Blvd., Suite #2
New York, NY 10033

Jun Murai is an associate professor on the Faculty of Environmental Information at Keio University.

Hank Nussbacher, an independent networking consultant, currently works with IBM Israel.
Rechov Weizmann 2
Tel Aviv
Phone: +972-3-6978852
Fax: +972-3-6978115

Robert Shaw is an advisor on Global Information Infrastructure (GII) issues at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
Place des Nations
1211 Geneva 20
Phone: +41 22 730 5338
Fax: +41 22 730 5881

George Strawn is with the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and chairs the Federal Networking Council.
National Science Foundation, Rm 1175
Arlinton, VA 22230
Phone: 703 306 1950
Fax: 703 306 0621

Albert Tramposch is senior legal counsellor at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva.
34, chemin des Colombettes
1211 Geneva 20
Phone: (41 22) 730-9660
Fax : (41 22) 733-5371

Committee outside counsel is Stuart Levi, a partner in Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.