NAWA projects - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering

NAWA projects

Exchange of PhD students and research tutors for intensification and development of cooperation in the field of electrical engineering, construction and operation of electrical devices

Manager on the part of Faculty of Electrical Engineering BUT: Assoc. Prof. Bogusław Butryło, PhD, DSc, Eng.
Contractor: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology
Project number: PPI/PRO/2018/1/00010/U/001
Source of funding: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
Name of the program: PROM Programme, International scholarship exchange of PhD candidates and academic staff
Duration of the project: 2018–2019

Project description

The aim of the project is to extend and intensify scientific and research cooperation between a Polish university (Bialystok University of Technology) and the university in Ukraine (Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, KrUT) in the field of selected issues related to electrical devices and methods of analyzing electromagnetic phenomena.

In both universities, there are groups of scientists whose scope of research is complementary and includes: assessment of the state of electrical machines based on long-term measurements of their electrical parameters, study of electromagnetic field issues (including induction heating, design of systems in the field of medium and high frequencies), control. The reported activities are aimed at the cooperation of young scientists, doctoral students involved in research in the field of electrical engineering.

The aim of the activities is to link the research topics more closely. In this way, it will be possible to develop long-term cooperation, conduct research, publish joint papers, apply for grants or participate in larger teams appointed by both universities to implement international projects. It is expected that the direct effect of the work will be scientific publications and joint studies on selected specialties.

  1. personal exchange for the purpose of conducting research, presentation of achievements, obtaining materials for a doctoral dissertation / scientific article;
  2. personal exchange related to the research work of doctoral students, presentation of achievements and participation in an international scientific conference organized in Ukraine;
  3. participation in short forms of education, including teaching and industrial internships.
  1. study visits of doctoral students from both universities, combined with participation in doctoral students’ scientific seminars, presenting the results of their work;
  2. organization of the special scientific seminar for PhD students;
  3. carrying out pre-established research and work on joint publications;
  4. participation in some scientific conferences of international scope;
  5. preparation of common scientific papers;
  6. participation in classes, scientific consultations of doctoral students.
BUT InterAcademic Partnerships

Project manager/Manager on the part of Faculty of Electrical Engineering BUT: Assoc. Prof. Zbigniew Kulesza, DSc, PhD, Eng.
Members of the consortium:

  • Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (leader),
  • University of Patras, Greece,
  • Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany,
  • Universite de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard, France,
  • Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia,
  • University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain,

Project number: PPI/APM/2018/1/00033/U/001
Source of funding: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
Duration of the project : 01.12.2018 – 30.11.2021


The aim of the project is to carry out research and development / exchange of students and scientific staff between BUT and European research centers. Target groups are students and employees of BUT and partner universities. It is planned to carry out scientific research and exchange of academic staff and participation of students in classes at the partner university.

The results of the project will be the results of research for the preparation of scientific publications. A great benefit is the opportunity to take part in a unique Innovation Crunch Time event, during which students develop creativity, learn cooperation in interdisciplinary teams and establish international contacts. Specialist lectures of invited professors let students get acquainted with the latest achievements and technological trends.

The benefit for all entities implementing the project is the development of international cooperation and additional experience for project managers in the field of project management in the international environment.

  1. intensification of scientific cooperation between BUT and recognized research centers in Europe and beyond,
  2. increasing students’ competences regarding work in international project groups,
  3. creating and developing interdisciplinary international research teams,
  4. increasing the number of foreign professors’ arrivals,
  5. increasing the number of teaching and scientific staff engaged in scientific internships,
  6. raising the level of university internationalization.
  1. joint research activities between cooperating universities in different scientific disciplines: mobile robots, robotic manipulators, biodegradable plastic composites, tribology,
  2. joint research papers: 4 papers published in JCR journals,
  3. short-term visits of researchers to cooperating universities,
  4. 32 hours of lecture classes for the students of automatic control and robotics, mechatronics, materials and manufacturing engineering,
  5. participation of a group of 5 students of automatic control and robotics and biomedical engineering in the Innovation Crunch Time event at the Universite de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard, May 2019.
Biologically inspired optimization algorithms for control and scheduling of intelligent robotic systems

Project manager/Manager on the part of Faculty of Electrical Engineering BUT: Assoc. Prof. Zbigniew Kulesza, DSc, PhD, Eng.
Contractor: Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Project number: PPN/ULM/2019/1/00354/U/00001
Source of funding: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
Name of the program: Ulam Programme
Duration of the project : 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2021


Main objective of the project is conducting research on “Application of bioinspired optimization algorithms for control and scheduling of mobile robots in intelligent manufacturing systems”, together with the scientific staff from the Department of Automatic Control and Robotics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
During the scholarship programme, Ass. Prof. Dr. Milica Petrovic, from the University of Belgrade performed the following tasks: a) theoretical analysis and implementation of mobile robots in the manufacturing industry; b) developing methods and techniques for single mobile robot scheduling; c) mathematical modelling of a single mobile robot scheduling problem; d) application of biologically inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithms; e) single objective and multi-objective optimization; f) implementation of metaheuristic optimization algorithms for scheduling of mobile robot actions in a manufacturing environment; g) preparation of experiments; programming in Matlab software package; h) simulation results on representative benchmark and real-world examples; i)implementation and experimental verification of the proposed methodology; j) analysis and discussion of simulation and experimental results.

During her stay at Bialystok, Prof. M. Petrovic carried out also didactic activities, conducting classes for the students of automatic control and robotics.

  1. improving and extending the contents of lectures for the 1st and 2nd level students of automatic control and robotics by including latest research achievements in the field; internationalization of the study programs.
  2. joint research activities in the field of wheeled mobile robot control: conducting joint research program, joint publications for JCR journals, participation in young academic staff education.
  1. joint research papers: 5 papers, published in JCR journals, in monographs, and as conference papers;
  2. didactic classes for the students: 108 hours of didactic classes on: optimization methods, artificial intelligence systems, interim project;
  3. joint research activities in the University’s grant on “Dynamics, control and autonomy of service and industrial robots”;
  4. seminar on “Optimal control and scheduling of intelligent robotic systems”.
International Interdisciplinary Summer School “Energy-efficient construction, users and environment friendly”

Project manager/Manager on the part of Faculty of Electrical Engineering BUT: Assoc. Prof. Dorota Anna Krawczyk, DSc, PhD, Eng.Urszula Błaszczak, PhD, Eng., Coordinator of the module 5 – Energy-efficient lighting of the building
Contractor: Project realized at Bialystok University of Technology with participation of 4 faculties (Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering) and external experts from foreign universities.
Project number: PPI/SPI/2020/1/00022
Source of funding: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
Name of the program: SPINAKER
Duration of the project: 09.2021 – 08.2023


The aim of the project is to deliver materials and give classes during 2 editions of the international summer school organized at the Bialystok University of Technology with participation of specialists from foreign universities (Italy, Lithuania, Spain). Before first edition of the summer school a handbook in lighting will be prepared and delivered to the participants of the summer school. It will be also printed. During summer school students will participate in 5 modules – module 5 is focused on lighting in modern building. After preparatory work (reading), students will participate in the lecture and 7 hours of practical classes focused on methods, criteria, and tools for lighting design. They will perform measurements aiming at understanding basic parameters and concepts in lighting. Then they will perform simple design work. During virtual part they will present results of measurements and design work and participate in final test of the summer school.

  • Preparing materials for the module 5 of the summer school
  • Giving classes during 2 editions of the summer school (lecture, laboratory, and design workshop)
  • handbook on fundamentals in lighting (in English), co-authored with foreign professors and tutorial for the software
  • classes during 2 editions of the summer school (stationary part – 8 hours, 5 hours – virtual part)
BUT InterAcademic Partnerships

Project manager: Assoc. Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, DSc, PhD, Eng.
Manager on the part of Faculty of Electrical Engineering BUT: Urszula Błaszczak, PhD, Eng. – coordinator of the tasks 15 and 16.

Members of the consortium

  • Bialystok University of Technology – leader
  • University of Babes Bolyai Romania
  • Zhejiang University Ningbo Institute of Technology China
  • Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Italy – partner of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
  • University of Renne 1, Laboratory of Signal and Image Processing (LTSI) France
  • Universite de Technologie de Belfort Montbeliard France
  • Technische Universitat Chemnitz Germany
  • University of Patras Greece
  • University of Cordoba, School of Engineering Sciences of Belmez Spain
  • Georgian Technical University, Georgia

Project number: PPI/APM/2018/1/00033/U/001
Source of funding: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
Name of the program: Akademickie Partnerstwa Międzynarodowe
Duration of the project: 12.2018 – 12.2021


Activities performed at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering within the project were divided into 2 parts: exchange of the academic staff and conducting joint research. Before pandemic 4 short term mobilities were realized. The aim of the research activity was to investigate and compare the daylight spectral characteristics in both locations in order to understand the differences between localizations and propose the method of evaluation of the circadian potential. Another aspect of joint research were analysis and measurements of influence of spectral power characteristics of the sources and materials on parameters used to evaluate visual and non-visual effects of light in the interior, in which both daylight and electric lighting was taken into account. Long term mobilities allowed to work on the literature review, journal paper and conference papers as well as European project proposal.

  • improving the internationalization level of the faculty
  • starting long lasting scientific cooperation with the partner
  • exchange of the academic staff between FEE BUT and partner university
  • conducting joint research during and after completing the project – as a result 1 joint JCR (IF=5,742) paper was published and one joint conference paper was presented during international conference in Italy.
  • one project proposal was submitted in 2019 in the call under Horizon 2020
  • mobilities:
    • Research mobilities: Dr inż Urszula Błaszczak stayed at the Universita Degli Studi Federico II (two 1-month mobilities); Dr Francesca Fragliasso stayed at FEE B UT (6-weeks)
    • Short period mobilities: 2 mobilities from UniNa to BUT, 2 mobilities from BUT to UniNa
  • long lasting cooperation was established: 2 conference papers were submitted and accepted after the completion of the project (in 2022) and journal papers are being prepared. UniNa partner participates as external expert in the project currently realized at BUT under SPNAKER NAWA programme. Partners continue undertaken research activities in wide research group within International Commission on Illumination.

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange

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