SEP - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering


The Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich – SEP) is the largest non-governmental scientific and technical organisation in Poland that is active in the field of social and public utility. It is a voluntary association of electricians of all specialties and persons whose professional activity is connected with electric power in a broad sense, as well as legal entities interested in the profession. It is a member of EUREL, the Convention of National Associations of Electrical Engineers of Europe.

The aims of the association are:

  • promoting socially beneficial use of electricity in support of national economic development, initiating and supporting scientific and technical creativity in all fields of electric power and related fields,
  • popularisation of electric power, its history and its creators, particularly Polish, promoting energy management with respect to generation, processing, transmission, distribution and use of fuels and energy in all forms and operation of equipment, installations and networks, development of information and telecommunications systems, as well as information society.

SEP patronages of journals:

  • Elektronika,
  • Energetyka,
  • INPE,
  • OPTO-Electronics Review,
  • Przegląd Elektrotechniczny,
  • Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny,
  • Wiadomości Elektrotechniczne.

Further information you can find:

The regional organizational units of SEP are branches, which include groups. The Białystok Branch of SEP was established in 1946.

The president of Bialystok Branch of Association of Polish Electrical Engineers is Paweł Mytnik.

Address: biuro [at],

At the Bialystok University of Technology there are:

  • the SEP Group – president Grzegorz Hołdyński, PhD. Eng.,
  • the student Group at the Bialystok University of Technology – president Joanna Więcko.

The current activities of the Branch can be found on its website:

The Białystok Branch of SEP in cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering BUT organizes the ELSEP seminar. The seminar been organized since 2003. It has become a permanent one of the important scientific and technical events of the region, achieving a high rank evidenced by the very large number of participants every year. This shows the great demand of the electrician community, for the possibility of supplementing specialist knowledge, with new information in the field of changing standards, new technical solutions of the devices used, new effects of scientific research.

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