» 研究推進ワンストップ窓口(WasedaOneStopResearch) お問い合わせ (Contact Form)|WASEDA Research Portal

WASEDA Research Portal

研究推進ワンストップ窓口(WasedaOneStopResearch) お問い合わせ (Contact Form)

All inquiries related to research promotion from research entrance to exit, university-wide research promotion, industry-government-academia collaboration, intellectual property utilization, dissemination of research results, various support systems for researchers and related procedures This is a one-stop service for collecting and answering questions.
Depending on the contents of the inquiry, there may be cases where we will respond after sharing information to the university department other than the Research Promotion Division.

1.お名前(Name)必須(Mandatory fields)


3.メールアドレス(e-mail)必須(Mandatory fields)


5.お問い合わせの種類(Inquiry type)必須(Mandatory fields)

6.お問い合わせの内容(In detail;)必須(Mandatory fields)