CSS Ruby: Summarized test results

Summarized test results:
CSS Ruby

To run the test, or to see detailed, per character, results, click on the link in the left-most column. To see detailed results click on a row and look just above the table.

Key: pass fail partially successful

These tests check whether user agents correctly apply the properties defined in the CSS-ruby spec. These are simple, user-oriented tests, designed to check basic functionality, rather than test all edge cases and implementation details.

Note that some tests pass because the browser displays the annotations in the same way by default, rather than necessarily because of the application of a CSS property. No special action is taken in these cases, since the result is the same for the user, however there are some exploratory tests below that enable you to see what the default rendering looks like.


The following information describes the default behaviour of the browser, in case you wish to compare it against what passes or fails in the other tests.



Vertical text


Vertical text



Vertical text


Vertical text


Vertical text


Vertical text



  1. ruby-merge-collapse-002 and ruby-merge-auto-002 are only significant if the test immediately previous passes. This is because they are testing whether the association of annotation to base text is preserved across line breaks even though the placement would otherwise obscure the relationships.
Vertical text

Ruby autohide

Results for Proprietary syntax

These test results based on CSS that has the following adaptations:

  1. -webkit-ruby-position is used with values set to either before or after
  2. -webkit-writing-modes and writing-modes:tb-rl are used for tests with vertical text.
  3. distributed-letter used in addition to space-between, and distributed-space used in addition to space-around for ruby-align.


Vertical text


Vertical text



  1. ruby-merge-collapse-002 and ruby-merge-auto-002 are only significant if the test immediately previous passes. This is because they are testing whether the association of annotation to base text is preserved across line breaks even though the placement would otherwise obscure the relationships.

Vertical text

Ruby autohide