Migrating to Vike | vite-plugin-ssr
The vite-plugin-ssr project has been renamed Vike.
  • If you are already using vite-plugin-ssr then migrate to Vike.
  • For new projects, don't use vite-plugin-ssr but use Vike instead.

Migrating to Vike

The vite-plugin-ssr project has been renamed Vike (vike.dev).

Functionally, nothing changes: it's just a new name for the same tool.

There are no breaking changes: the only change is that, starting from version 0.4.142, you'll have to use the npm package vike instead of the npm package vite-plugin-ssr. We recommend applying following find-and-replace bash script:

# Update to vite-pugin-ssr@0.4.142, then apply the following steps.

# Update comments: links to the docs
grep -rl vite-plugin-ssr.com --exclude-dir node_modules/ --exclude-dir .git/ --exclude "*lock*" | xargs sed -i 's/vite-plugin-ssr\.com/vike.dev/g'

# Core update. (We omit "v" to preserve upper-/lowercase.)
grep -rl ite-plugin-ssr --exclude-dir node_modules/ --exclude-dir .git/ --exclude "*lock*" | xargs sed -i 's/ite-plugin-ssr/ike/g'

# Update comments: Fix GitHub links to github.com/vikejs/vike repository
grep -rl 'github.*brillout/vike' --exclude-dir node_modules/ --exclude-dir .git/ --exclude "*lock*" | xargs sed -i 's/brillout\/vike/vikejs\/vike/g'

For macOS check out #1147 - comment.

Same as a single line (copy-paste me):

grep -rl vite-plugin-ssr.com --exclude-dir node_modules/ --exclude-dir .git/ --exclude "*lock*" | xargs sed -i 's/vite-plugin-ssr\.com/vike.dev/g' 2>/dev/null ; grep -rl ite-plugin-ssr --exclude-dir node_modules/ --exclude-dir .git/ --exclude "*lock*" | xargs sed -i 's/ite-plugin-ssr/ike/g' 2>/dev/null ; grep -rl 'github.*brillout/vike' --exclude-dir node_modules/ --exclude-dir .git/ --exclude "*lock*" | xargs sed -i 's/brillout\/vike/vikejs\/vike/g' 2>/dev/null

Then update your lock file.

npm install
# pnpm install
# yarn install

0.4.142 is the only version that is dual published as vite-plugin-ssr@0.4.142/vike@0.4.142, enabling you to migrate to vike simply by applying the bash script above.

If the bash script doesn't work out for you, let us know.

If you use vike-react/vike-vue/vike-solid then we recommend to update it to its latest version.

For more information about the rename see #736.