Service Guidelines – VideoPress

VideoPress Service Guidelines

We love enabling you to seamlessly play high-quality videos across the globe through VideoPress. Although these guidelines shouldn’t affect the vast majority folks who use VideoPress, we just want to share a few basic expectations about how our service is intended to be used so there are no surprises.

  • Videos should be viewed via the VideoPress player, on the WordPress site for which you purchased VideoPress (either through Jetpack or For example, this means that you shouldn’t share direct links to your videos or use VideoPress to host content for another site.
  • We don’t have defined limits on the amount of storage or bandwidth you can use on VideoPress outside of what your current plan covers, but it’s important that you comply with our Terms of Service and use our service in a manner that’s consistent with the normal operation of a typical site. In very rare circumstances where usage is unreasonable or disproportionately large for a personal or small business site, we may limit or discontinue your use of VideoPress.
  • Any videos uploaded to VideoPress are subject to’s content policies. The exclusions on this mature content page apply to videos as well.