プライバシーポリシー - VAIO公式サイト



1. 法令等の遵守


2. 個人情報の取得


  • お客様から直接個人情報を提供いただく場合
    例:VAIO IDの作成にあたってメールアドレス等の情報を入力いただく場合
  • お客様による当社サービス等のご利用を通して自動的に取得する場合
  • 第三者から提供を受けて取得する場合

3. 個人情報の利用目的


  1. 当社サービス等の提供のため
  2. 当社サービス等または第三者が提供する商品、サービス等に関する各種情報、お知らせ、広告等のご案内のため(お客様から個別の同意をいただいた場合は、メールマガジンの配信を含みます)
  3. お問い合わせへの対応のため
  4. アンケート調査、インタビュー調査、モニター調査等の実施のため
  5. 今後の商品、サービス等の企画、開発、改善等のため
  6. 事故、紛争等の対応のため
  7. (お客様が当社のお取引先の個人の方である場合)お取引先への取引に関する連絡及び取引の履行のため
  8. (お客様が当社への採用応募者の方である場合)採用選考その他の採用活動のため

4. 個人情報の提供


Cookieは、当社が設定する「1st Party Cookie」と、当社が提携する第三者が設定する「3rd Party Cookie」の2種類があります。当社は、お客様によるウェブサイトの閲覧に関するユーザーエクスペリエンスの向上や、当社のウェブサイトの改善、よりお客様のご興味・ご関心に合ったオンライン広告の表示等のために、このCookieを利用します。
なお、当社のウェブサイト上で設定されている「3rd Party Cookie」は、こちらをご参照ください。「3rd Party Cookie」を通じて第三者が取得する訪問・行動履歴等の情報は、当該第三者のプライバシーポリシー等に従って取り扱われます。

6. 安全管理措置


7. お問い合わせ先




最終改定日 2022年4月1日


We, VAIO Corporation (“VAIO”) has established the following Privacy Policy in order to handle User’s Personal Information appropriately, and we will comply with this policy.
In this policy, “Personal Information” means the personal information defined in Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of May 30, 2003), and “Users” mean any person who uses our services (sales of VAIO product, campaigns, events, after-sales services, our web services including VAIO Store, and other services provided by VAIO), individuals who belong to our business partners, applicants for employment with us, etc.

1. Compliance

VAIO will comply with the applicable laws and regulations including applicable ministerial guidelines.

2. Collection of Personal Information

VAIO may collect Personal Information in following cases.

  • When Users provide Personal Information directly
    Ex. The case users input information such as Email address when they create VAIO ID
  • When VAIO collect information automatically through your use of our services
    Ex. The case log data of our services are stored in our server
  • When third party provide VAIO with information
    Ex. The case we receive user information from our agents

3. Purposes of Utilization

VAIO will use Personal Information only to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes of utilization.

  1. To provide our services
  2. To provide information, notices, advertisements (including distribution of e-mail magazines if the customer has given individual consent) regarding our services or third party’s products or services
  3. To respond to inquiries
  4. To conduct surveys, interviews, monitoring surveys, etc.
  5. For planning, developing and improving products and services
  6. To measure incidents and disputes
  7. (If the user is an individual belong to our business partner) To contact the business partner regarding the transaction and perform the contract
  8. (If the customer is an applicant for employment) For employment selection and other recruitment activities

4. Provision to third parties

VAIO will not provide Personal Information to third parties unless we have the consent of the user or are required to do so by law. However, we may provide such Personal Information to a third party when we entrust all or part of the handling of personal information to such third party, in which case we will supervise the entrusted party appropriately in order to ensure the security of such Personal Information.

Our website uses “cookie” which is a small file that is sent from a web server to the browser of your computer or other terminal (“terminal”) and stored on your terminal when you access a website.
There are two types of cookies: “1st Party Cookie” set by the VAIO and “3rd Party Cookie” set by third parties with which VAIO contracted. We use cookie to improve your user experience when browsing our web saites, to improve our website, and to display online advertisements that are more relevant to your interests and concerns.
You can disable cookies by changing your browser settings on your device. Please note that if you disable cookies, some website functions may not be available, some pages may not display properly.
For “3rd Party Cookies” set on our website, please refer here. Information such as visit and activity history obtained by third parties through “3rd Party Cookies” will be processed in accordance with the privacy policy of such third parties.
You may opt-out of the use of the above information obtained by the third party for advertisements by opting out of the third party’s advertisement delivery service.

6. Security measures

VAIO will take security measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of Personal Information (collectively, “leakage, etc.”). These measures include the establishment of rules for the handling of Personal Information, the establishment of an organizational structure for security management, the establishment of a system to respond to Leakage, etc., regular training for employees, the implementation of physical security control measures, and technical security control measures such as encryption and access control. In addition, we store a portion of personal information on servers provided by a cloud service provider in the United States. In this case, we store such information after confirming that the cloud service provider has taken necessary measures for the security control of such personal information. Please click here for an overview of the regulation regarding the protection of Personal Information in the United States.

7. Contact information

If you have any complaints or questions regarding our handling of Personal Information, please contact us at the following address. You can also exercise your rights related to the disclosure, correction, and suspension of use of Personal Information in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information by contacting at below.

[Complaints and Inquiries Concerning Personal Information]

[Complaints and Inquiries Concerning specific personal information]

Date of last revision: April 1, 2022