Ehsan Rahimi
Chris Joslin
Carleton University, Canada
Multimedia Communication, 3D Video, Colorful 2D Image, Gray Scale Depth Map Image, Multiple Description Coding, Error Prone Environment, Packet Failure, Spatial Decimation, Compression Efficiency.
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
Image and Video Analysis
Image and Video Coding and Compression
Image Formation and Preprocessing
Motion, Tracking and Stereo Vision
Stereo Vision and Structure from Motion
Visual Attention and Image Saliency
3D video is becoming a most favorable video and attracting researcher’s mind to provide robust methods of
streaming since packet failure has always been the inseparable characteristic of wired or wireless networks.
This paper aims to provide a new multiple description coding for 3D video considering objects existed in the
scene. To this end, a low complex algorithm for realizing objects in 3D scene will provided and then a non-identical
decimation method with respect to objects will be utilized to produce descriptions of MDC approach.
Also, in point of depth map image, a new non-identical MDC algorithm will be be introduced to stream depth
map image saving bandwidth without affecting the quality of decoded video in the receiver side.