Laudson Silva de Souza
Gibeon Soares de Aquino Jr.
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Software Engineering, Software Quality, Estimating Software, Systematic Review, Mobile Applications, Mobile Computing.
Artificial Intelligence
Business Process Management
Enterprise Engineering
Enterprise Information Systems
Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Knowledge-Based Systems
Service-Oriented Software Engineering and Management
Software Engineering
Software Process Improvement
Software Quality Management
Symbolic Systems
The growing use of mobile technologies has shown different ways to access information and interact with
other computer systems. Thus, the traditional information systems are undergoing a process of adaptation
to this new computing environment. Thereafter, there is a need to reassess the current knowledge on the
planning and development of systems in this new environment. One area in particular that demand such
adaptation is the estimation software. The estimation processes, in general, are based on characteristics of the
systems, trying to quantify the complexity of implementing them. Hence, the main objective of this paper is
to present a proposal for an estimation model for mobile applications, and to debate about the applicability of
the traditional estimation models on this environment. Throughout the paper we analyze existing methods of
estimates, identify specific features of systems for mobile devices and finally an adaptation to be proposed for
this area of an existing estima
tion method.