Designing Multimodal Augmented- Reality Approaches in Sports: Collaborative and Competitive Scenarios for Individual and Group-based Outdoor Interaction
Conference Paper

Designing Multimodal Augmented- Reality Approaches in Sports: Collaborative and Competitive Scenarios for Individual and Group-based Outdoor Interaction

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European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET)


This work presents a prototype for a multimodal and augmented (AR) based System designed for individual and joint activities in outdoor sports. Based on the need for social interaction and computer-supported collaborative sports and the decreasing physical activity across all ages, game scenarios for the context of outdoor sports were formulated and implemented with a head-worn multimodal AR interface. The System's innovation, flexibility, and multimodality found the basis for multiple use cases, such as professional and leisure, individual and group contexts. The technical infrastructure allows multimodal experiences while tracking and monitoring data such as movement speed, location, and heart rate. Within several game scenarios, players can cooperatively and competitively challenge themselves and other players to improve their physical activity playfully. This work is an inspiration and orientation for future research, development, and design of gamified AR exercising technologies.


Unbehaun, David; Coskun, Aydin; Jensen, Jule; Aal, Konstantin; Rüller, Sarah; Wulf, Volker (2022): Designing Multimodal Augmented- Reality Approaches in Sports: Collaborative and Competitive Scenarios for Individual and Group-based Outdoor Interaction. Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. DOI: 10.48340/ecscw2022_p06. European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET). PISSN: 2510-2591. Poster. Coimbra, Portugal. 27 June - 1 Juli 2022


