Using Incoming Traffic for Energy-Efficient Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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Using Incoming Traffic for Energy-Efficient Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks

Using Incoming Traffic for Energy-Efficient Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks

Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis (Department of Computer Science, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus), Athina Bourdena (Department of Computer Science, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus), George Mastorakis (Department of Informatics Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Crete, Greece), and Evangelos Pallis (Department of Informatics Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Crete, Greece)
Copyright: © 2015 |Volume: 8 |Issue: 1 |Pages: 24
ISSN: 1938-7857|EISSN: 1938-7865|EISBN13: 9781466676497|DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2015010102
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Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X., et al. "Using Incoming Traffic for Energy-Efficient Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks." JITR vol.8, no.1 2015: pp.1-24.


Mavromoustakis, C. X., Bourdena, A., Mastorakis, G., & Pallis, E. (2015). Using Incoming Traffic for Energy-Efficient Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks. Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR), 8(1), 1-24.


Mavromoustakis, Constandinos X., et al. "Using Incoming Traffic for Energy-Efficient Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks," Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR) 8, no.1: 1-24.

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This paper proposes an energy-efficient routing scheme that is based on a resource intensive traffic-aware approach, enabling for the maximization of the energy conservation in cognitive radio networks. The proposed approach interrelates the moments of the backward difference traffic, together with the sleep-time duration, towards tuning the activity periods of the network nodes. The effective operation of the proposed scheme, in terms of minimum energy consumption, minimum delays and maximum number of the routing paths established, is achieved through the exploitation of a signaling mechanism. The validity of the proposed traffic-aware scheme is tested, through several simulation tests, by obtaining multiple performance evaluation results. The experimental results verified the proper operation of the proposed scheme to maximize the energy conservation, optimize the data exchange among the network nodes and minimize the routing delays.

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