Application of Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm in Commodity Management | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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Application of Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm in Commodity Management

Application of Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm in Commodity Management

Xiaoli Wang (Mudanjiang Medical University, Mudanjiang, China), Fang Wang (Mudanjiang Medical University, Mudanjiang, China), Shi Yan (Mudanjiang Medical University, Mudanjiang, China), and ZhanBo Liu (Mudanjiang Medical University, Mudanjiang, China)
Copyright: © 2018 |Volume: 16 |Issue: 3 |Pages: 13
ISSN: 1539-2937|EISSN: 1539-2929|EISBN13: 9781522542384|DOI: 10.4018/JECO.2018070108
Cite Article Cite Article


Wang, Xiaoli, et al. "Application of Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm in Commodity Management." JECO vol.16, no.3 2018: pp.94-106.


Wang, X., Wang, F., Yan, S., & Liu, Z. (2018). Application of Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm in Commodity Management. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO), 16(3), 94-106.


Wang, Xiaoli, et al. "Application of Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm in Commodity Management," Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) 16, no.3: 94-106.

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This article describes how by analyzing historical sales data of supermarkets, once data is cleaned, sampled and put through a series of operations, it can be transformed into a sequence database. Finally, the data is used in the SPM of Map-Reduce algorithm to data mining. This experiment has two stages. In the first stage, the sequences of product categories are mined to place the product categories. In the second stage, the products are mined for each category, add profit targets for calculating sequential pattern values. This is so that it can reorder the results to find the most profit products. Thus, readers can adjust products placement and improve the profits of the supermarket.

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