An Autonomous Multi-Agent Simulation Model for Acute Inflammatory Response | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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An Autonomous Multi-Agent Simulation Model for Acute Inflammatory Response

An Autonomous Multi-Agent Simulation Model for Acute Inflammatory Response

John Wu, David Ben-Arieh, Zhenzhen Shi
Copyright: © 2011 |Volume: 2 |Issue: 2 |Pages: 17
ISSN: 1947-3087|EISSN: 1947-3079|EISBN13: 9781613505748|DOI: 10.4018/jalr.2011040106
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Wu, John, et al. "An Autonomous Multi-Agent Simulation Model for Acute Inflammatory Response." IJALR vol.2, no.2 2011: pp.105-121.


Wu, J., Ben-Arieh, D., & Shi, Z. (2011). An Autonomous Multi-Agent Simulation Model for Acute Inflammatory Response. International Journal of Artificial Life Research (IJALR), 2(2), 105-121.


Wu, John, David Ben-Arieh, and Zhenzhen Shi. "An Autonomous Multi-Agent Simulation Model for Acute Inflammatory Response," International Journal of Artificial Life Research (IJALR) 2, no.2: 105-121.

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This research proposes an agent-based simulation model combined with the strength of systemic dynamic mathematical model, providing a new modeling and simulation approach of the pathogenesis of AIR. AIR is the initial stage of a typical sepsis episode, often leading to severe sepsis or septic shocks. The process of AIR has been in the focal point affecting more than 750,000 patients annually in the United State alone. Based on the agent-based model presented herein, clinicians can predict the sepsis pathogenesis for patients using the prognostic indicators from the simulation results, planning the proper therapeutic interventions accordingly. Impressively, the modeling approach presented creates a friendly user-interface allowing physicians to visualize and capture the potential AIR progression patterns. Based on the computational studies, the simulated behavior of the agent–based model conforms to the mechanisms described by the system dynamics mathematical models established in previous research.

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