A Pragmatic Assessment of Approaches and Paradigms in Software Risk Management Frameworks | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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A Pragmatic Assessment of Approaches and Paradigms in Software Risk Management Frameworks

A Pragmatic Assessment of Approaches and Paradigms in Software Risk Management Frameworks

Alankrita Aggarwal, Kanwalvir Singh Dhindsa, P.K. Suri
Copyright: © 2020 |Volume: 9 |Issue: 1 |Pages: 14
ISSN: 1947-928X|EISSN: 1947-9298|EISBN13: 9781799806653|DOI: 10.4018/IJNCR.2020010102
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Aggarwal, Alankrita, et al. "A Pragmatic Assessment of Approaches and Paradigms in Software Risk Management Frameworks." IJNCR vol.9, no.1 2020: pp.13-26. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJNCR.2020010102


Aggarwal, A., Dhindsa, K. S., & Suri, P. (2020). A Pragmatic Assessment of Approaches and Paradigms in Software Risk Management Frameworks. International Journal of Natural Computing Research (IJNCR), 9(1), 13-26. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJNCR.2020010102


Aggarwal, Alankrita, Kanwalvir Singh Dhindsa, and P.K. Suri. "A Pragmatic Assessment of Approaches and Paradigms in Software Risk Management Frameworks," International Journal of Natural Computing Research (IJNCR) 9, no.1: 13-26. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJNCR.2020010102

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Software risk management involves the process of prior recognition and the assessment of vulnerabilities with the classification approach so that the risk avoidance mechanism can be implemented. It includes one of the key factors in software project management with the goal to improve quality as well as the avoidance of vulnerabilities. The term defect refers to the imperfection that may arise because of reasons including programmers' skills, lack of suitable testing strategies, and many others. When there is difference in actual and expected result or meeting the wrong requirement it is called a defect and it forms the basis of risk escalation in the software project, which is obviously not accepted in any type of deployment. To make software reliable, the software should be risk-free from any type of vulnerability factor. Along with reliability, another issue that has arisen is software quality in which the associated factor is with software risk management. The quality of software is to reduce the occurrence of risks and defects with the objective to produce effective valued software.

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