How Growing Older Leads to Different Patterns in Smartphone Usage Among Genders: Evidence From Korea | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
How Growing Older Leads to Different Patterns in Smartphone Usage Among Genders: Evidence From Korea

How Growing Older Leads to Different Patterns in Smartphone Usage Among Genders: Evidence From Korea

Chiho Ok
Copyright: © 2020 |Volume: 12 |Issue: 3 |Pages: 14
ISSN: 1942-390X|EISSN: 1942-3918|EISBN13: 9781799806196|DOI: 10.4018/IJMHCI.2020070103
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Ok, Chiho. "How Growing Older Leads to Different Patterns in Smartphone Usage Among Genders: Evidence From Korea." IJMHCI vol.12, no.3 2020: pp.46-59.


Ok, C. (2020). How Growing Older Leads to Different Patterns in Smartphone Usage Among Genders: Evidence From Korea. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI), 12(3), 46-59.


Ok, Chiho. "How Growing Older Leads to Different Patterns in Smartphone Usage Among Genders: Evidence From Korea," International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) 12, no.3: 46-59.

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The present study investigates the moderating role of age on the differences in smartphone usage patterns by gender. Therefore, a literature review is first made to verify the differences in smartphone usage patterns by gender, as well as the role of age in the relationship between gender and smartphone usage patterns. Based on these reviews, the moderating effects of age are hypothesized in the relationship between gender and smartphone usage patterns. The empirical study includes smartphone usage data from 9,566 individuals which reflected the actual use of smartphones. The relevant theoretical and practical implications are presented based on the study results.

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