Digital-Based Incubator Framework Modelling for University | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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Digital-Based Incubator Framework Modelling for University

Digital-Based Incubator Framework Modelling for University

Fandi Halim, Gunawan, Agustina
Copyright: © 2020 |Volume: 10 |Issue: 1 |Pages: 14
ISSN: 1947-8585|EISSN: 1947-8593|EISBN13: 9781799804352|DOI: 10.4018/IJEEI.2020010102
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Halim, Fandi, et al. "Digital-Based Incubator Framework Modelling for University." IJEEI vol.10, no.1 2020: pp.14-27.


Halim, F., Gunawan, & Agustina. (2020). Digital-Based Incubator Framework Modelling for University. International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI), 10(1), 14-27.


Halim, Fandi, Gunawan, and Agustina. "Digital-Based Incubator Framework Modelling for University," International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI) 10, no.1: 14-27.

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A business incubator is an entity which supports a developing business through providing resources and services and has become more common as the number of entrepreneurs increases. This is especially in the university environment for its ability to become a product or service for students entrepreneurs. The research is aimed at modeling a digital-based business incubator framework for universities who intend to establish their own incubators. Research was conducted by analyzing previous models and research. The framework consists of 4 stages which include: preparation, pre-incubation, incubation, and post-incubation. Each stage has its own activity to help prepare an outcome for the next stage. Also considered are its success factor.

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