A Study of the Organizational Motivation of Teleworking and the Moderating Effect of Supervisory Support | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
A Study of the Organizational Motivation of Teleworking and the Moderating Effect of Supervisory Support

A Study of the Organizational Motivation of Teleworking and the Moderating Effect of Supervisory Support

Youngkeun Choi
Copyright: © 2022 |Volume: 12 |Issue: 1 |Pages: 12
ISSN: 2155-7136|EISSN: 2155-7144|EISBN13: 9781683182160|DOI: 10.4018/IJCBPL.298690
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Choi, Youngkeun. "A Study of the Organizational Motivation of Teleworking and the Moderating Effect of Supervisory Support." IJCBPL vol.12, no.1 2022: pp.1-12. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJCBPL.298690


Choi, Y. (2022). A Study of the Organizational Motivation of Teleworking and the Moderating Effect of Supervisory Support. International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning (IJCBPL), 12(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJCBPL.298690


Choi, Youngkeun. "A Study of the Organizational Motivation of Teleworking and the Moderating Effect of Supervisory Support," International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning (IJCBPL) 12, no.1: 1-12. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJCBPL.298690

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The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationships between motivation factors and attitude towards teleworking and explore the moderating effect of supervisory support on that relationship. For this, the present study collected data from 343 IT professionals in South Korean through a survey method. In the results, first, employees who perceived more advantages accruing from teleworking to their organizations have a more favorable attitude towards teleworking. And, employees who perceived more disadvantages accruing from teleworking to their organizations will have a less favorable attitude towards teleworking. Second, positive relationship between advantages of teleworking and attitude towards teleworking is weaker for participants who get more supervisory support rather than less one. However, supervisory support was found to have no significance on the relationship between disadvantages of teleworking and attitude towards teleworking.

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