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Emergency medical systems (EMS) are considered to be amongst the most crucial systems as they involve a variety of activities which are performed from the time of a call to an ambulance service till the time of patient's discharge from the emergency department of a hospital. These activities are closely interrelated so that collaboration and coordination becomes a vital issue for patients and for emergency healthcare service performance. The utilization of standard workflow technology in the context of Service Oriented Architecture can provide an appropriate technological infrastructure for defining and automating EMS processes that span organizational boundaries so that to create and empower collaboration and coordination among the participating organizations. In such systems, the utilization of leading-edge analytics tools can prove important as it can facilitate real-time extraction and visualization of useful insights from the mountains of generated data pertaining to emergency case management. This paper presents a framework which provides healthcare professionals with just-in-time insight within and across emergency healthcare processes by performing real-time analysis on process-related data in order to better support decision making and identify potential critical risks that may affect the provision of emergency care to patients.
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