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Dynamic Walking Control of the One-Legged Robot with Controlling Rotor
Kazuo Yamafuji, Yoshihito Takemura* and Hiroshi Fujimoto
Member of Electrical Communication University, 1-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182, Japan
* Japan Ject, 13-33, Kobushi-cho, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359, Japan
Received:July 23, 1992Accepted:August 20, 1992Published:December 20, 1992
Keywords:Robotics, Computer control, One-legged jigging robot, Stilts-walking, Dynamic walking, Controlling rotor
This paper deals with the newly developed 'O-jiro (Onelegged ,jigging robot)' which realizes stilts-walking. The impact of stepping by two legs disturbs the balance of the body, so this robot has a vertical arc-shaped plate for its leg. A single motor swings the leg cyclically, so the supporting point moves from side to side like steps of stilts-walking. At the same time, another motor drives a rotor mounted on the top of the body to turn the lifted leg toward the direction in which the body leans (forward or backward), so the O jiro can remain stable. He can thus realize stable stilts-walking, with a simple mechanism and only two actuators. As a results of experiments, it has been confirmed that he can remain stable standing and that this mechanism is useful as a locomotive robot.
Cite this article as:K. Yamafuji, Y. Takemura, and H. Fujimoto, “Dynamic Walking Control of the One-Legged Robot with Controlling Rotor,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.4 No.6, pp. 480-489, 1992.Data files: