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Difference in Recognition of Optical Illusion Using Visual and Tactual Sense
Yukio Fukui and Makoto Shimojo
Industrial Products Research Institute, M.I.T.I., 1-4 Higashi 1-chome, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan
Received:January 7, 1992Accepted:January 25, 1992Published:February 20, 1992
Keywords:Artificial reality, Optical illusion, Force feedback
In addition to visual display, force-feedback will play an important role in interactive interface design for computers. Although the human visual system is generally more sensitive than haptics, the visual system is subject to optical illusions. In this study, we have conducted experiments to obtain visual and/or haptical sensitivity of recognition of the features of figures, such as the deformation of a circle or the bend of a line, under optical illusion. It was found that the figure which the subject judges to be a true circle or a line without bend is closer to the true figure, when using haptic exploration compared to that chosen by visual recognition. However, the probable error by haptics is larger than that by vision. Recognition using both haptics and vision causes conflict because of optical illusion, resulting in almost the same amount of errors as by vision alone.
Cite this article as:Y. Fukui and M. Shimojo, “Difference in Recognition of Optical Illusion Using Visual and Tactual Sense,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.4 No.1, pp. 58-62, 1992.Data files: