MERA: A Micro-Economic Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
MERA: A Micro-Economic Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
Author information

2012 Volume E95.B Issue 8 Pages 2642-2645


One of the most important constraints in wireless sensor networks (WSN) is that their nodes, in most of the cases, are powered by batteries, which cannot be replaced or recharged easily. In these types of networks, data transmission is one of the processes that consume a lot of energy, and therefore the embedded routing algorithm should consider this issue by establishing optimal routes in order to avoid premature death and eventually having partitioned nodes network. This paper proposes a new routing algorithm for WSN called Micro-Economic Routing Algorithm (MERA), which is based on the microeconomic model of supply-demand. In such algorithm each node comprising the network fixes a cost for relay messages according to their residual battery energy; and before sending information to the base station, the node searches for the most economical route. In order to test the performance of MERA, we varied the initial conditions of the system such as the network size and the number of defined thresholds. This was done in order to measure the time span for which the first node dies and the number of information messages received by the base station. Using the NS-2 simulator, we compared the performance of MERA against the Conditional Minimum Drain Rate (CMDR) algorithm reported in the literature. An optimal threshold value for the residual battery is estimated to be close to 20%.

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© 2012 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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