Lattice-based searchable public-key encryption scheme for secure cloud storage Online publication date: Tue, 05-Dec-2017
by Run Xie; Chunxiang Xu; Chanlian He; Xiaojun Zhang
International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS), Vol. 14, No. 1, 2018
Abstract: With the improvement of awareness of data privacy, the user's sensitive data are usually encrypted before uploading them to cloud. Searchable encryption is a critical technique on promoting secure and efficient cloud storage. In particular, publickey encryption with keyword search (PEKS) provides an elegant approach to achieve data retrieval in encrypted storage. All existing searchable publickey encryption schemes only provide the security based on classical cryptography hardness assumption. With the development of quantum computers, these schemes will be insecure. Based on the lattice hardness assumptions, we propose a new searchable publickey encryption scheme with a designated tester (dPEKS). Our scheme has advantages: First, our scheme is the first searchable publickey encryption scheme that is considered to be secure even if quantum computers are ever developed. Second, our scheme achieves the trapdoor indistinguishability. The trapdoor indistinguishability implies the security against outside offline keyword guessing attacks (KGAs). Last, our scheme can achieve the trapdoor anonymity for server.
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